Iranian President Denounces Israeli Airstrike on Gaza School, Calls for Global Condemnation

Sunday, August 11, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The new Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian has condemned an Israeli regime's deadly strike on Gaza city's al-Tabeen school.

Iranian President Denounces Israeli Airstrike on Gaza School, Calls for Global Condemnation

According to SAEDNEWS, In a poignant statement released on Saturday evening, Iranian President Pezeshkian expressed strong condemnation of Western nations that relentlessly support Israel, claiming that such actions make these governments and institutions complicit in the crimes committed by the Zionist state. "Governments, institutions that know no limit in supporting Israel are complicit in its crimes," he stated.

Pezeshkian highlighted the ongoing atrocities being carried out by the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip, pointing out that these actions are backed by Western states that profess to advocate for human rights. He argued that the supporters of the Israeli regime, including various governments and institutions, share a responsibility for the genocidal war and crimes occurring in Gaza.

While these Western nations publicly call for negotiations to achieve a ceasefire, Pezeshkian pointed out the contradiction inherent in their unwavering support for a regime he described as brutal. "In accordance with human rights and Islamic culture and teachings, they (Western governments) are definitely accomplices in all these tragic events that the Zionist regime commits with their double-standards they have adopted," he remarked.

Additionally, the spokesperson for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the recent aerial strike by Israel on Tabeen school in central Gaza, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 civilians and left many more injured.

As of now, Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza has reached its 309th day, leading to the deaths of at least 39,790 Palestinians, a majority of whom are women and children. Furthermore, over 91,702 individuals have sustained injuries, with an alarming estimate of more than 10,000 people believed to be trapped beneath the rubble of bombed buildings.

As the situation continues to escalate, the calls for accountability and an end to the violence grow louder, highlighting the urgent need for a resolution to this humanitarian crisis.