Iran's Army Commander Asserts: 'No Enemy Can Invade Our Soil'

Sunday, August 11, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: No enemy could ever encroach upon Iran's territory due to the Islamic Republic's deterrence power, Deputy Chief of the Iranian Army for Coordination Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says.

Iran's Army Commander Asserts: 'No Enemy Can Invade Our Soil'

According to SAEDNEWS, During the Yazd Province's Martyrs National Congress on Saturday night, Admiral Sayyari delivered a powerful message that resonated with themes of strength, resilience, and national pride. In his address, he commemorated the sacrifices made during the eight years of the sacred defense, highlighting the significant contributions of various forces who fought valiantly on the battlefield.

Sayyari emphasized that through its perseverance in the face of adversity, the Islamic Republic of Iran has proven its deterrence capabilities to the world during times of conflict. He affirmed that today, Iran continues to stand tall against its adversaries with dignity and resolve.

The admiral underscored Iran's pivotal role in shaping key events in the region, noting that the country's status on the international stage has notably improved. He expressed confidence, asserting that no one would dare to invade Iran, thanks in large part to the strength and preparedness of its military forces.

Moreover, Sayyari reassured listeners that both the army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) not only possess sufficient weaponry but are also equipped with the capacity to export military resources. This statement reflects a broader narrative of self-reliance and confidence within Iran's defense posture.

As the congress honored the memories of those who sacrificed everything for their nation, Sayyari's remarks served as a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Iranian people and their commitment to safeguarding their sovereignty in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.