Iran Responds to European Union's Accusations

Saturday, September 14, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman has reacted to the European Union's recent statement accusing the Islamic Republic of interference in the Ukraine war.

Iran Responds to European Union's Accusations

According to SAEDNEWS, The Iranian Foreign Ministry has addressed recent statements from the European Union that claimed Iran is interfering in the war in Ukraine.

Nasser Kan'ani, the spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, firmly rejected these allegations, saying that any claims suggesting Iran is supplying ballistic missiles to Russia are completely false.

During a press conference on Friday night, Kan'ani stated, “I want to clearly remind everyone that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not sell ballistic missiles to Russia.” He urged the European Union to refrain from making accusations based on incorrect information.

Kan'ani also discussed the new sanctions imposed on Iran by the EU, stating that some Western nations seem to have an "addiction to sanctions." He emphasized that this approach does not help address any issues but rather contributes to the ongoing problems, warning that Iran will respond to these sanctions.

The remarks underline the continued tensions between Iran and Western nations, especially amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.