Is this an ending or a new beginning?

Monday, December 02, 2024

SAEDNEWS; The month and year are both coming to a close. We're approaching the end of 2024, and while I've urged you to start right where you are in order to reach your objectives by the end of the year, I realize how difficult it may be to get started.

Is this an ending or a new beginning?

I understand you may not have started. So now I'd want to talk about something a little different. I'd want to discuss the beauty of the finish line and how, in reality, it simply marks the completion of lap one rather than the end of the race.

I had a lot to do this year. Back in January, I never imagined that relaxing for days or weeks would be part of my routine, yet here we are. I completed certain chores but struggled with others. Even if the ones I didn't accomplish exceed the ones I did, these are the things I've learnt along the way to achieving my 2024 goals:

Take one step at a time

This approach should not be limited to the gym. We only have 24 hours in a day, thus time is our most valuable ally on our road. You can't do everything today, this week, this month, or even in 2024. If you want to become a doctor, for example, apply to college this year, start next year, finish your internship the next year, and you'll be a student by the fourth year. Always divide your ambitions into manageable, attainable chunks. You know yourself better than everyone else in the world, thus you know what you can and cannot do.

step t a time

Seek assistance

You're the CEO and founder, but who's in control of money, PR, and media? I know you've spent years honing several crafts, but how effective will you be at performing them all - especially since you have a life to live? Find help. Sell your dream to someone who can help make it a reality. If you are unable to do so, put your goal on hold and focus on honing your selling skills. If you can't sell your dream to a partner, how can you sell it to a client or investor with alternative options?

Develop a thick skin

You'll need it while you pursue your aspirations. When attempting to achieve anything new, keep in mind that some individuals prefer the status quo and will fight change. If you're attempting to thrive in an established field, consider those who came before you and how much they may dislike seeing you win. You will make blunders and screw up in ways you will not understand. On days like this, you need a strategy to get over the negative events that occur. You'll need to forget what was said to you and go on. Whether it's video games, your partner, friends, or a walk, find anything that will help you clear your mind until you're ready to work again.

thick skin

There's more, but I'm not one for lengthy speeches, so I'll stop here for now. December marks a new beginning, whereas November marks the conclusion. Don't put too much strain on yourself; endings and beginnings never end. They form the cycle of life. as i once heard the only thing thats constant in life is change. From summer to fall and from winter to spring learn to be more adaptive to the conditions you are faced with It feels like 2019, a year that was a defining one for most people, was just a few days ago, and now we are on the verge of 2025.

Love people who love you, give your all to whatever you do, and be proud of how far you've come – regardless of how others see your progress.