In this article from Saednews, you will become familiar with the rules and regulations of table football. Stay with us!
Table Football Game
Table football competitions must follow the rules set by the International Table Soccer Federation (ITSF) so that players can have an exciting tournament, just like in other sports. Table football has official rules, and you will get to know them here.
Table Football Rules
In general, the rules written by ITSF are mandatory in international competitions, and you can also follow them in friendly and casual games to make the game more exciting. It is important to understand that rules in sports are not limited to leagues and tournaments; even sports that can be played at home should have rules applied to them.
Rotation in Table Football
A very old and long-standing rule is that the player figures (foots) should not rotate. The rule explicitly states that the rods in the hands of competitors should not continuously rotate to the point of a full 360-degree turn. Therefore, the penalty for not following this rule is the loss of possession of the ball. The opponent who gains the ball this way can easily place it in front of the 5-man player figures and start their shot.
Shaking the Table in Table Football
This rule is known as "NO Jarring" in the ITSF guidelines. The rule states that if, during the game, a player shakes the table in a way that affects the game's play, possession of the ball will be lost. If this violation occurs two times, either intentionally or unintentionally, a penalty shot will be awarded to the opponent, taken in front of the 3-man player figures.
Disrespecting the Opponent in Table Football
Players should always show respect to each other during the game. The first violation of insulting or disrespecting an opponent results in a penalty shot, taken by the opponent in front of the 3-man player figures. If the disrespect continues, the referee is obligated to declare the offending player as the loser of the game.
Scoring in Table Football
In professional table football competitions, if an opponent's shot leads to a goal, and the shot is so strong that the ball bounces back onto the playing field, the goal is still counted. In professional competitions, the points might be counted in sets of 5, and the player who wins 3 out of 5 sets is declared the winner.
Time Limits in Table Football
Players are only allowed to use their time to prepare for a shot. Usually, if the ball is in front of the 3-man player figures, the player has 15 seconds; however, if the ball is in front of a rod with 5-man player figures, the player has 10 seconds to make the shot. If more than this time elapses, possession of the ball will be lost.
In official table football competitions, players must wear sportswear and footwear. To determine which player or team starts the game, a coin toss is used.
The player or team that receives the goal must place the ball in front of the center player figures and notify the opposing player or team of their readiness to resume play. The game will not restart until the opponent has declared readiness.
The player or team that scores a goal must update the score counter placed beside the table. If this is not done and the game resumes, the goal scored will not be counted.
If the ball enters the goal but due to the intensity of the shot bounces back into the game area, the goal is still valid, and the game will stop.
If the ball lands in such a way that no shot can be made, it is referred to as a "dead ball." In this case, the ball is given to the player or team closer to the goal and the game resumes from the defense line, i.e., the rod with two player figures. However, if the ball is in the center of the field, it is given to the player or team who received the last goal.
When the ball is under the player figure's foot, the player is not allowed to take their hand off the rod, meaning the player must pass the ball between their two player figures and then strike the ball.
Caring for the Table Football Equipment
The balls should always be kept clean. While cork balls may not be washable, they must be clean.
To clean the table football table, alcohol can be used. Alcohol evaporates during cleaning and does not damage any components.
Spray water and wipe it with a cloth. For stains that cannot be removed with alcohol, an appropriate cleaner should be used.
It is recommended to clean the table once a week.
When purchasing a table football table, make sure to carefully inspect it to ensure that it is in good condition.
Adequate lighting should be provided above the table, and the table should be placed in a suitable location.
The rods should be cleaned weekly. When moving the table, make sure not to damage the legs.
Keep the parts and accessories of the table football table clean.
This Fun and Exciting Game
Whether you are playing for the first time or are a professional player, playing table football in a public place is a very different experience.
Events, whether cultural, educational, or social, can bring people together, and this is when you find yourself in a group where you have no prior connections. This broadens your social circle.
Playing in public places with new people can bring its own excitement.
Imagine a game hall, table football tables, and new friends who are eager to play with you – this could be an exciting pastime and entertainment that you may not have experienced before!