The Most Important Vital Points You Should Know Before Losing Weight and Buying Weight Loss Pills!

Tuesday, March 04, 2025  Read time7 min

Weight loss is a topic that is always on people’s minds, but at what cost? In this article, we will examine different weight loss methods and explore how weight loss medications work. First, let’s look into how and why we gain weight.

The Most Important Vital Points You Should Know Before Losing Weight and Buying Weight Loss Pills!

How Do We Gain Weight? And What Are the Factors?

The answer to how we gain weight is simple: an excessive accumulation of fat tissue in the body. Cells store fat to cope with difficult conditions and to perform heavy tasks, so that the body can use it in emergencies. However, when the amount of fat storage exceeds the body's consumption rate, the body gradually enters the stage of overweight. If a person does not resist the fat storage process at this stage, they will soon become obese. Of course, the degree of obesity varies in different individuals and genetic backgrounds. To assess body fat and categorize people as thin, overweight, or obese, there is an index called BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of their height. If the BMI is between 20 and 25, the person has a balanced weight. A BMI between 25 and 30 indicates overweight, and anything above 30 indicates obesity.

1. Family Genetics: Research conducted on twin brothers showed that the amount and way their body fat increased was similar to one another. Further research confirmed that the genetic similarity between the two brothers caused this phenomenon. So if someone tells you that obesity runs in their family, don’t be surprised.

2. Stress and Obesity: Stress does three things in the body that contribute significantly to weight gain. While anxiety increases metabolism slightly, this is countered by the three effects mentioned. Stress first causes inactivity, then slows down digestive activities, which leads to less breakdown and absorption of fat from food, and fat in food starts to accumulate in tissues. Thirdly, stress triggers the release of the cortisol hormone, which collects fat in the abdominal area and prevents its breakdown by the body’s cells. Therefore, with constant cortisol secretion, the body becomes prone to overweight and obesity.

3. Hormonal Imbalance: Maintaining regular hormone secretion is crucial, as overproduction or underproduction of hormones can have serious consequences for the body. Some hormones whose excessive secretion leads to obesity include:

Thyroid hormones: Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) increase metabolism. Therefore, if someone suffers from hypothyroidism, one of the consequences will be weight gain.

Insulin: Insulin is the hormone that facilitates glucose entry into cells. If the necessary amount of insulin is not secreted, glucose cannot enter the cells, leading to weight gain.

Leptin: Leptin’s main function is to send satiety signals to the brain, but this function works best when fat tissues do not produce excess leptin. If excess leptin is secreted from fat tissues, instead of the brain receiving a signal of satiety, it perceives the body as still needing food and fat.

How to Lose Weight?

We all know that to lose weight, we need to change our diet. However, according to the title of this article, we won’t focus on dieting; instead, we will look at the best weight loss pills available on the market and which weight loss pills you should absolutely avoid.


If you are unable to lose weight through diet and exercise or have one of the following conditions, your doctor may prescribe weight loss pills:

Your BMI is over 30.

Your BMI is above 27 and you have a serious obesity-related medical issue, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Make sure not to self-medicate with fat-burning pills or weight loss pills. A doctor will consider your medical history and health challenges before prescribing the appropriate medication. The doctor will also discuss the pros and cons of the pills and help you make the best decision. Weight loss pills are not suitable for everyone. For instance, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or women planning to get pregnant, should not use weight loss pills.

How Effective Are Weight Loss Pills?

Research shows that approved and standard weight loss pills, when used for over 12 weeks, lead to significant weight loss compared to a placebo. Therefore, these pills are recommended alongside lifestyle changes. For example, weight loss with pills and a different lifestyle over one year results in a 3% to 7% greater weight loss than changing only lifestyle. It might seem minor, but consistent weight loss of 5% to 10% has numerous benefits, such as reduced blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglyceride levels.

What Are the Side Effects of Weight Loss Pills?

Mild side effects such as nausea, constipation, and diarrhea are common in people taking weight loss pills. Serious side effects are rare. However, if you are concerned, you can discuss alternative treatment options with your doctor. Some individuals may regain some of the weight after discontinuing weight loss pills. Therefore, lifestyle changes play a key role in weight stabilization.

Weight Loss Pills: Yes or No? And Their Types

To approve weight loss pills, we need approval from the Ministry of Health and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Thus, pills advertised on satellite channels or illegal websites should be avoided. Among the approved weight loss pills, many doctors recommend using herbal pills and avoiding chemical ones, as chemical pills sometimes have unpleasant side effects.

1. Hazal Weight Loss Pills by SinaFarav Hazal weight loss pills are among the most popular weight loss pills in Iran. All the ingredients in these pills are herbal, including cumin, fennel, black cumin, marjoram, wormwood, and others. Hazal pills are used for weight loss, appetite reduction, body detoxification, and improving digestive function. There have been no reported side effects from using these pills. Hazal pills are produced by one of the most reputable herbal medicine companies, SinaFarav, and are approved by the FDA and Ministry of Health. Additional benefits of Hazal pills include reducing sugar absorption, lowering cholesterol, reducing triglycerides, and strengthening the stomach.

2. Flordo Weight Loss Pills Flordo weight loss pills are 100% natural and herbal, reducing sugar absorption and eliminating excess body fat by suppressing false appetite. This pill contains six different medicinal herbs, which traditional medicine practitioners use for gastrointestinal issues and weight loss. These herbs include black thistle, peppermint, marshmallow, green tea, golden grass, and angelica. Flordo pills help reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, and treat digestive problems like bloating, acidity, gastrointestinal inflammation, fatty liver, as well as strengthening the stomach, addressing reflexes, and suppressing false hunger. Flordo pills also regulate the four humors that prevent excessive fat accumulation. Long-term use of Flordo pills has no side effects and helps control blood sugar, pressure, and fat.

3. Slim Max Capsules by Qaem Daru Slim Max Capsules by Qaem Daru is a completely natural fat burner with antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. It is made from coriander seeds, fennel, chicory root, and green tea extract. Slim Max capsules reduce body weight through several mechanisms, including reducing carbohydrate metabolism, decreasing glucose absorption in the intestines, and inhibiting amylase enzyme activity in the digestive tract, offering safe weight loss. Additionally, Slim Max has a calming effect, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and fortifies teeth. Qaem Daru, one of the leading companies in herbal medicine, manufactures Slim Max with the help of top Iranian doctors and researchers.

4. Garcinia Cambogia Weight Loss Pills Garcinia Cambogia weight loss pills contain hydroxycitric acid. These pills reduce appetite and promote weight loss by controlling fat-producing enzymes and increasing serotonin levels in the body. There are no serious side effects, but some users report mild gastrointestinal issues. If you have digestive diseases, consult your doctor before using Garcinia Cambogia pills.

5. Hydroxycut Weight Loss Pills One of the most well-known fat-burning brands, Hydroxycut, contains caffeine and herbal extracts that suppress appetite. Studies show that it’s effective after a 12-week regimen. Side effects may include anxiety, itching, shaking, nausea, diarrhea, and irritability.

6. Xenical Weight Loss Pills Also known as Orlistat or Wenosat, Xenical prevents fat breakdown and absorption in the intestines. Xenical not only promotes weight loss but also lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Side effects include fatty stools, diarrhea, and frequent bowel movements.

7. Green Coffee Weight Loss Pills Containing caffeine and chlorogenic acid, green coffee pills increase fat burning and prevent carbohydrate absorption in the intestines. Studies show that they result in an extra 2.5 kilograms of weight loss compared to other pills. Green coffee also lowers blood sugar and pressure, boosts the immune system, and has antioxidant properties.

8. Glucomannan Weight Loss Pills Glucomannan, a fiber, reduces appetite by absorbing water in the intestines and turning into a gel-like substance, making you feel full. This leads to reduced calorie intake. It also helps lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

So if you suffer from obesity and excess weight, it’s best to first try safe and effective methods and consider weight loss pills like Wisser as a last resort. I hope you enjoyed this content on weight control, and if you know anyone interested in fitness, feel free to share this with them. You can also visit the Sports World section of SaeedNews for more content. Thank you for your continued support!