Many believe that the quality of food in a weight loss diet is more important than the quantity and amount of it. In this content, you will become familiar with foods that play a significant role in burning excess body fat, and their consumption is recommended during a weight loss diet.
One common point among people who suffer from obesity is trying out various kinds of diets. Diets in which they sometimes succeed and sometimes fail. If you have decided to go on a diet multiple times but haven’t succeeded, you should look for the issue in your approach. What is preventing you from succeeding in weight loss? Unfortunately, misconceptions about diets and food consumption are among the main reasons for failure in weight loss. For example, many of us believe that by eliminating certain high-calorie foods from our diet, we can lose weight. However, nutrition science has a different opinion. Foods high in fiber, protein, and plant-based fats, although high in calories, help with weight loss because they provide a greater feeling of fullness. Foods containing fiber and protein are slowly digested in the body, and as a result, you won't feel hungry for a long time. In this content, we want to introduce you to completely natural and healthy foods that are beneficial for both your fitness and health. Try to incorporate these foods into your daily routine so that consuming them becomes a habit.
Almonds: If you’re looking for a complete snack to help with weight loss during a walk, almonds are a great choice. Using almonds as a snack leads to a prolonged feeling of fullness and prevents overeating at main meals. A small handful of almonds (about 22 nuts) contains approximately 160 calories. By eating this amount of almonds, you will get a healthy dose of saturated fats, 3 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which is essential for the health of your hair, skin, and nails.
Lentils: Like potatoes, lentils contain resistant starch, which keeps you feeling full for an extended period on a diet. A ¾-cup serving of lentils contains 13 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber.
Strawberries: Strawberries are not just a colorful and fragrant fruit, but also a low-calorie, fiber-rich food that will make you feel full after eating a few of them. This fruit is packed with antioxidants and is highly recommended for those on a diet.
Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds contain more protein and fiber than chia and flax seeds, and they provide a complete set of amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp seeds are an excellent choice for vegetarians who want to add more sustained energy to their meals. You can add these powerful seeds to yogurt, salads, and smoothies.
Eating dark chocolate does not conflict with a strict diet. In fact, you can enjoy dark chocolate even while dieting. Low-sugar or sugar-free dark chocolates are readily available at large stores. The flavonoids and polyphenols in chocolate have numerous health benefits and increase the body’s metabolism by boosting energy and vitality.
Lemon: Lemon combats hunger cravings without adding even a single calorie to your food, and it gives your food a delicious taste. Lemon is an alkaline fruit that helps regulate bowel movements, which is why it is often used for digestion and weight loss.
Eggs: A large boiled egg contains 140 calories and 12 grams of complete protein. Complete protein means it contains the 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. Animal proteins are complete proteins. Eating eggs for breakfast will keep you full, stabilize your blood sugar, and help you consume fewer calories throughout the day.
Lean Beef: Lean cuts of beef, such as sirloin and tenderloin, are high in protein. A 114-gram piece of sirloin has 200 calories and 32 grams of protein. Just be cautious not to overdo it, as even lean cuts of red meat contain significant amounts of saturated fat. Excessive consumption can increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Limit your meat intake to one serving per week.
Warm Oatmeal: Oatmeal made with low-fat milk helps you feel full for a longer time and contributes to a more beautiful physique. Oats, with their resistant starch, strengthen beneficial gut bacteria, which can even improve your mood.
Leeks: Stomach health is closely related to mood, fullness, and metabolism, which in turn are influenced by the beneficial gut bacteria (microbiome). Gut bacteria need to be nourished with dietary fiber for growth, but most fiber we consume has short chains. Only fibrous and cellulose fibers survive in the digestive system. Leeks are one of the best sources of fructans (10 grams per leek) and cellulose. Recommendation: Cooking shortens the fiber chain, so for maximum benefit, eat leeks raw or slightly cooked.
Raspberries: Ripe, sun-dried raspberries are sweet but low in sugar. Overall, raspberries are a nutrient-rich food, full of vitamins and antioxidants. Despite all their nutrients, one cup of raspberries contains 5 grams of sugar and 8 grams of fiber, satisfying your sweet cravings without raising blood sugar levels.
Chicken Soup: The most filling foods are rich in protein, fiber, and plenty of water. Finding a food that contains all three is quite challenging, but chicken soup with vegetables and legumes like lentils and beans is an example. Vegetables with fiber and very few calories can keep you full for a long time.
Sweet Peppers: If you’re on a diet, you can safely use sweet peppers. They are rich in vitamin C, which slows down fat absorption in the body. Eating sweet peppers will eliminate false hunger and food cravings. Moreover, the vitamin in sweet peppers enhances the absorption of nutrients from other foods.
Apples: It can confidently be said that apples are very beneficial for human health. This fruit not only strengthens the heart and arteries but also cleanses the blood and ensures that blood reaches all parts of the body. It plays a significant role in your weight loss. Apples eliminate false hunger. Eating an apple gives you the same feeling of fullness as a large piece of meat, with the difference that apples contain fewer calories and are very beneficial for those following a diet plan for weight loss.
Carrots: Eating carrots also gives you a feeling of fullness. This orange-colored food is rich in beta-carotene, low in calories, and full of nutrients. Replace boiled potatoes with boiled carrots to enjoy eating them more and help your diet significantly.
Potatoes: Potatoes, due to their high carbohydrate content, have a great impact on diet and weight loss and are highly ranked among diet foods. A medium-sized potato contains 168 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 3 grams of fiber. Potatoes contain resistant starch (a molecule that we cannot digest), which results in a greater feeling of fullness.
Fish: Fish is another effective source of protein. Low-fat fish like white fish and fattier types like salmon are rich in healthy omega-3 fats. The protein found in fish is more satisfying than that in beef.
Popcorn: Popcorn is a whole grain. Three cups of popcorn contain 3 grams of fiber and protein. This amount of popcorn fills a lot of space in your stomach, and it takes a long time to eat those three cups. Even if you make this amount of popcorn with a little salt and oil, it will contain fewer than 150 calories. Using popcorn as a snack helps those on a diet feel full and stay committed to their diet.
Flax Seeds: Seeds are excellent for creating a feeling of fullness. A tablespoon of ground flax seeds contains 37 calories, 2 grams of unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, and 2 grams of fiber. Adding flax seeds to a fiber-deficient meal will increase the feeling of satisfaction and fullness for the dieter. Recommendation: Whole flax seeds (unprocessed) pass through the digestive system without being digested, so it’s better to grind them yourself.
Therefore, not eating and missing out on the beneficial proteins and vitamins for the body is one of the main harms of dieting. People who cannot resist food tend to fail more often in their diets. Feelings of embarrassment, lack of confidence, isolation in social settings, and a greater sense of obesity are the emotions these individuals often experience. I hope you enjoyed the weight control content, and for those who care about their fitness, you can share it. Also, to view more informative content, you can visit the Sports World section of Saadnews. Thank you very much for your cooperation.