Can sick fasting individuals take pills or undergo a course of medication? In the following, you will become familiar with the ruling on taking pills while fasting. Stay with Saadnews.
🕌📿🕯What is the ruling on taking pills during Ramadan?
Ramadan, or Ramadan al-Mubarak, is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, during which fasting is obligatory for Muslims. Fasting during Ramadan is considered a key part of the identity of Muslims worldwide today. Fasting means refraining from certain actions, including eating and drinking, from dawn until sunset. The obligation of fasting during Ramadan and many related rulings are mentioned in verses 183-185 and 187 of Surah Al-Baqarah. The obligation of fasting during Ramadan is considered a fundamental principle of Islam, and denying it is seen as apostasy. The Quran and Hadith mention various benefits of fasting, including achieving piety, testing and affirming sincerity, reminding oneself of the hunger and thirst on the Day of Judgment, and the acceptance of prayers during Iftar.
Islam mandates fasting for Muslims; however, individuals who are ill or incapable of fasting are exempt. Fasting while sick would go against divine commands. As you may know, one of the actions that invalidates the fast is eating or drinking. This includes taking any form of food or drink, such as pills or syrups, which can break the fast, even if it is a pill that must be taken during the day. Below, we will discuss the ruling on taking pills and other medications while fasting.
👳🏻♂️💊Ayatollah Khamenei's Ruling on Taking Pills While Fasting
Is it permissible to take blood pressure medication while fasting during Ramadan?
If taking it is necessary for treating high blood pressure, it is permissible, but it will invalidate the fast.
If I and some people believe that taking pills for medical treatment does not fall under the category of eating and drinking, is it permissible to do so without affecting my fast?
Taking pills will invalidate the fast.
Can a person who is ill and must take medication three times a day as prescribed by their doctor still fast?
They cannot fast.
👳🏻♂️Ayatollah Sistani's Ruling on Taking Pills While Fasting
I consulted a doctor for treatment, and they prescribed pills. Should I take these pills at Iftar, or can I take them while fasting during the day and not consume anything else?
If no harm will come from it, take them at Iftar. If you take them during the day, your fast will be invalid.
Can women use contraceptive pills to avoid menstruation so they can fast throughout Ramadan?
There is no problem with that.
Question: My wife uses contraceptive pills to fast throughout Ramadan. Unfortunately, one night we missed Suhoor and she could not take the pill. Due to ignorance of the ruling, she took the pill after dawn to avoid starting her period and losing at least one week of fasting. She also ate a small amount to relieve stomach discomfort caused by the pill. Does she need to pay a Kaffara for this mistake? And if Kaffara is required, will she be absolved of the sin after paying it?
If she was sure that taking the pill was allowed, she only needs to make up the fast for that day.
💉🩺💊Medications That Do Not Invalidate Fasting
According to most religious scholars, the following medications do not invalidate the fast:
Eye, ear, and nasal drops
Medications absorbed through the skin or applied topically, such as creams, ointments, and patches
Use of suppositories or topical ointments (vaginal or rectal)
Subcutaneous, intramuscular, joint injections, and even intravenous injections, except for nutritional solutions and supplements that would invalidate fasting
Oxygen gas inhalation
Mouthwashes, gargles, and asthma inhalers (as long as nothing is swallowed into the stomach)
Sublingual tablets, like nitroglycerin (opinions among scholars may differ on this)
🕋Fasting Conditions for Blood Recipients
Patients who receive blood transfusions in hospitals or other medical centers are not able to fast. These individuals can fast on days when they do not receive blood, and only with the approval of their treating physician.