Do You Know What the Philosophy Behind the Prohibition of Homosexuality in Islam Is?

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Homosexuality is considered one of the major sins in Islam, which has many consequences. In this section of Saadnews, we intend to familiarize you with the ruling on homosexuality in other religions. Stay with us.

Do You Know What the Philosophy Behind the Prohibition of Homosexuality in Islam Is?

Why Is Homosexuality Forbidden in Islam?

Homosexuality—defined as sexual desire or relations with someone of the same gender, such as sodomy among men or tribadism among women—is strictly forbidden in Islam and considered a grave sin.

Supporters of homosexuality argue that since slavery has been abolished and women have gained rights and democracy, it is now time for homosexuals to obtain their due rights as well. It seems that societies distanced from the logical truths of religion are increasingly accepting such baseless views. In large parts of Western countries, same-sex couples are legally recognized and enjoy full social security and well-being. Some church leaders even endorse homosexuals, praying for them and seeking blessings from God on their behalf.

However, homosexuality is considered ignorance and extravagance. Not only does the practitioner fail to understand the natural and complete way to satisfy their desires, but they act in a way that even animals do not. Such behavior contradicts human nature and the divine order of creation. Therefore, this act is not simply a matter of lust but is fundamentally rooted in ignorance.

Islamic teachings highlight several harms associated with homosexuality. For example, Imam Sadiq (AS) was asked why God has forbidden sodomy. He replied:
"If intercourse with boys were permissible, men would no longer desire women. This would lead to the end of human reproduction and the disruption of natural relationships between opposite genders, causing serious moral and social corruption."

In Islamic law, the punishment for sodomy is capital punishment, and even lesser forms of homosexual acts are met with severe penalties.

In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Whoever kisses a boy out of lust, God will place a bridle of fire on his mouth on the Day of Judgment."

Consequences of Homosexuality:

  1. Spread of sexually transmitted diseases

  2. Psychological harm to the passive partner—leading to gender identity confusion and mental disorders like sadism and masochism

  3. Weakening of the anal muscles, leading to loss of bowel control

  4. Marital instability and family breakdown

  5. Loss of peace and security in relationships

Marriage fulfills a fundamental human need for emotional security and mental stability. The Quran states:
"And among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find tranquility in them."
(Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21)

Scientists affirm that healthy and timely fulfillment of sexual desires contributes to physical and mental well-being. The lack of natural relationships may lead to psychological and physical disorders.

Homosexuality as an Unnatural Act:

Some argue that religious scriptures prohibit homosexuality only to prevent idolatry and polytheism. However, this act is condemned not just because of religious concerns but because it has always been recognized as unnatural and immoral. Historical religious texts show that homosexuality has long been seen as a sinful deviation rather than a legitimate way of life.

The Negative Impact of Homosexuality on Marriage:

The primary danger of homosexuality is that it undermines the foundation of marriage. When people become accustomed to seeking pleasure from the same sex, they avoid relationships with the opposite sex, disrupting the divine system of procreation. This is not merely a personal deviation but a direct rebellion against the natural order, threatening human civilization and morality.

Men and women are naturally designed to seek emotional and physical fulfillment through opposite-sex relationships, fostering healthy families. Any deviation from this leads to a lack of interest in heterosexual marriage, causing a decline in reproduction and a loss of social stability.

Dual Identity in Homosexual Individuals:

Research indicates that homosexuals often switch roles between masculine and feminine identities, leading to identity confusion. This psychological conflict results in alienation from society and oneself. If left unaddressed, it can lead to various disorders such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other moral and psychological issues.

The Islamic Perspective on Homosexuality:

The Quran and hadiths strongly condemn homosexual acts. In Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:7), God states:
"Those who seek to satisfy their desires through unlawful means are transgressors."

Regarding sodomy, Prophet Lut (AS) said to his people:
"Do you lust after men instead of women? Indeed, you are a transgressing people!"
(Surah Ash-Shu'ara, 26:165-166)

Imam Sadiq (AS) explained that if homosexuality were permitted, men would lose interest in women, causing the extinction of humanity and widespread moral corruption.

Imam Reza (AS) further elaborated:
"The prohibition of homosexuality is based on the fact that it contradicts the natural system created by God. If men and women engage in same-sex relationships, human reproduction will cease, and society will fall into disorder and destruction."

From an Islamic standpoint, homosexuality contradicts human nature, disrupts society, and leads to moral and psychological harm. Numerous hadiths emphasize its severe consequences, warning that it increases confusion and anxiety, leading to further spiritual and societal corruption.

Additionally, medical studies confirm that homosexual relationships, particularly sodomy, pose serious health risks, further supporting its prohibition in Islam.