Iranian President Pezeshkian Optimistic About Parliament's Vote of Confidence for Ministers

Wednesday, August 21, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has expressed hope that the lawmakers in the parliament will give the vote of confidence to all his proposed ministers in the Wednesday session.

Iranian President Pezeshkian Optimistic About Parliament's Vote of Confidence for Ministers

According to SAEDNEWS, President Masoud Pezeshkian is optimistic that the Iranian parliament will grant a vote of confidence to all of his proposed ministers during the upcoming session on Wednesday.

After attending the final day of discussions regarding the qualifications of his ministerial selections, Pezeshkian shared his thoughts with reporters, stating, "We are trying to create a shared language and vision to achieve the plans of the government and the plans shared between the government and the parliament. I hope we live up to our obligations through doing our utmost affairs, and the parliament will help us, and we will continue the way we said."

The new president highlighted the significance of collaboration between his administration and the Parliament in addressing the country's challenges. "I hope the parliament will give a vote of confidence to all the proposed ministers," he added.

Pezeshkian officially submitted his list of ministerial candidates to the Iranian parliament on August 11, approximately two weeks after his inauguration. The legislative body is set to meet tomorrow, where it will conduct a vote of confidence for the 19 individuals selected for ministerial roles.

Debates regarding the qualifications of the proposed ministers commenced last Saturday and concluded earlier today, paving the way for the crucial vote expected to shape the future of Pezeshkian’s administration. As lawmakers prepare for the vote, all eyes are on the parliament's decision and its implications for governance in Iran.