5 Tips on How to Make Time for Self-Care: Reclaiming Your Precious Moments

Tuesday, August 27, 2024  Read time4 min

SAEDNEWS: Discover simple yet effective strategies to reclaim your time and prioritize self-care amidst life's demands.

5 Tips on How to Make Time for Self-Care: Reclaiming Your Precious Moments

According to SAEDNEWS, Over the past few years, especially during the pandemic, we've seen a wave of messages encouraging us to embrace self-care. There’s been a lot of pressure to use our newfound "extra time" productively, whether through dramatic fitness transformations or a complete home overhaul. Yet, many of us found our lives to be just as hectic—juggling remote work, keeping up with children's online school, and navigating ever-changing safety protocols. So, how do we carve out time for ourselves amidst the chaos? Here are five straightforward tips that will help you reclaim your schedule and prioritize self-care.

1. Cut Down on Social Media Time

It’s probably no surprise, but reducing time spent on social media is one of the most effective ways to gain extra hours for yourself. Studies show that, on average, Americans spend over two hours a day scrolling through their feeds, which adds up to an astonishing amount of lost time each week!

To regain this precious time, consider these strategies:

- Remove social media apps from your phone. You can still access your accounts through a web browser, but you’ll hesitate to log in without the convenience of an app.

- Turn off notifications. Get rid of those pesky alerts that pull you back into the social media vortex, whether it's from your phone or your email.

- Delete bookmarks. Make it a little harder to access these sites, and you’ll likely find yourself checking in less frequently.

2. Organize and Optimize Your To-Do List

Some people are intimidated by planning and lists, fearing they’ll take up more time than they save. However, having a clear understanding of your tasks can help you become more efficient.

For example, if you need to do laundry, take out the trash, and call your parents, you might realize you can combine tasks. How about throwing in a load of laundry, taking the trash outside with your dog, and calling your parents while walking? By seeing your tasks written down, it becomes easier to spot these connections.

What's even better? Walking while talking can be a double win—exercise and socializing at the same time! Just remember to stay aware of your surroundings.

3. Embrace Helpful Technology

Yes, I just advised you to cut down on the time spent on screens—specifically on mindless scrolling. But leveraging technology can also help you save time on essential tasks. Here are a few helpful ways to use technology to your advantage:

- Order groceries online. Services like Instacart or Amazon Prime save you the hassle of going to the store and often deliver the same day.

- Schedule pickups. Rather than making a trip to the post office, schedule package pickups right from your home, often at no charge.

- Use organizational apps. Try apps like Todoist to manage tasks efficiently. Online banking services allow you to handle transactions swiftly, giving you back valuable minutes.

4. Add a Dash of Fun to Your Tasks

Let’s face it—cleaning and running errands can feel like monotonous chores. But injecting a bit of fun can change your perspective! Here are some ideas:

- Make it social. Invite a friend to run errands with you, turning a chore into a mini-adventure.

- Amp up the atmosphere. Blast your favorite tunes or listen to a podcast while you clean. It makes the task feel less daunting.

- Aesthetic to-do lists. Get creative and make your lists visually appealing. Websites like Pinterest offer hundreds of ideas to help you craft colorful planners and goal sheets, making your tasks feel more exciting.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

Feeling overwhelmed is completely normal. One of the best strategies is to reach out for help. Review your to-do list and consider whether there’s someone who can take over a task or two. Maybe:

- Swap chores with a friend. You might find that what seems tough for you is easy for someone else, and vice versa.

- Involve your kids. If you have children old enough to take on responsibility, it’s a great opportunity to teach them independence.

- Delegate at work. If you’ve been hesitant to pass on tasks, challenge that mindset. Trusting someone else with a task not only helps you but also gives them a chance to learn and grow.

Ultimately, relieving yourself of overwhelming tasks is crucial for your mental health. When our to-do lists don’t feel as heavy, we create more space for activities that genuinely nourish us. Remember, self-care doesn’t always mean meditating for an hour or committing to a rigorous workout routine. Sometimes, it's as simple as carving out twenty minutes to read a book, enjoy your favorite cup of tea, or take a long, relaxing shower.

By prioritizing your well-being and making small, incremental changes in your daily routine, you can gradually build more time for yourself. So why not start today? Try out these tips and watch how much time you can reclaim for self-care!