[VIDEO] The Majestic Seals and Signatures of Iranian Monarchs: A Legacy of Power, Beauty, and History

Monday, July 22, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Here is a video of the seals of ancient Iranian kings.

[VIDEO] The Majestic Seals and Signatures of Iranian Monarchs: A Legacy of Power, Beauty, and History

SAEDNEWS: Seals were small, engraved devices used to make an impression, usually on clay or wax. Seals came in various shapes, including cones, squares, cylinders, and even animal heads.

Cylindrical seal of Persian ruler Darius I hunting and a clay impression of the seal

Seals were fashioned out of a variety of materials, including bone, limestone, metal, semiprecious stone, or wood. Sometimes the names of the owner and his father were inscribed on the seal. Some seals showed the owner’s title.

In order to authenticate a document, the owner of the seal would press its engraving into the clay, wax, or other soft substance affixed to the document. The substance would then harden and hopefully prevent someone from tampering with the document.

two lions