Saed News: A question many women ask is, "How can I make my husband obedient to me?" I must say, not only is the answer to this question simple, but putting it into practice isn't that difficult either. Stay with us to find out more.
According to the Family Magazine Service of Saed News, have you ever seen husbands who follow their wives’ requests before they even fully express them? These women aren’t just lucky—they have a skill called assertiveness in speech and non-verbal communication. They express their logical needs clearly, respectfully, and confidently through body language.
Here are some strategies to make your husband more compliant:
Most successful people recognize their potential. Women who assertively express their desires while maintaining healthy boundaries with their spouses understand this ability. The best thing in this world is to be yourself—simple, honest, and magnificent.
Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and never be afraid to express your needs.
Speak firmly about your requests but do so with respect. Clearly communicate your needs, desires, and emotions in your relationship without violating your husband’s rights.
There is a fine line between assertiveness and aggression in a marital relationship. Some people become aggressive when expressing their needs and emotions, disregarding their partner’s rights. If spouses fail to recognize these boundaries, their relationship will experience tension.
Assertiveness is a special kind of behavior that helps us express our needs and emotions confidently without overstepping the boundaries of our relationship. In a healthy relationship, neither spouse tries to dominate the other.
Allow your husband to express his thoughts and discuss whether or not he agrees with your requests.
During conversations, be aware of both verbal and non-verbal communication. Your words should align with your body language. For example, if you say, "Okay, dear," don’t let your facial expression show frustration or anger. Pay attention to your behavior and improve it over time.
Most men, deep down, want their wives to believe in them. They don’t like it when their abilities (such as providing security or financial stability) are questioned. To show your husband that you understand him, make it a daily habit to talk about his strengths.
Balance your relationship so that you are both lovers and best friends. To maintain this friendship for years, find ways to ensure he sees you as his closest companion.
Enhance your ability to fulfill his needs and become the best possible partner for him. Buy attractive lingerie and nightwear to seduce him—you’ll find that he won’t be able to resist you.
If he wants to try something new, let him. If you dislike something, subtly let him know while praising his other efforts. Offer gentle suggestions on how he can improve.
Women who talk non-stop from the kitchen while their husbands watch TV, expecting them to listen to everything, often get frustrated. Likewise, men watching football or the news while half-heartedly nodding to their wives' words create a situation where neither is satisfied.
The result? Women feel unheard and eventually stop trying to communicate, leading to frequent arguments:
"You never listen to me!" vs. "You talk too much!"
Surprise him by changing yourself. Invest time in self-improvement—join a gym, visit the salon, or learn a new sport. This will leave him both impressed and envious, making him pay more attention to you.