Putin Vows to Defeat 'Neo-Nazis' in Kursk Region Amid Tensions with Ukraine

Wednesday, August 21, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: President of Russia has said that the Russian forces will beat the Ukrainian army, in his words neo-Nazis, in both Kursk region and Donbass.

Putin Vows to Defeat 'Neo-Nazis' in Kursk Region Amid Tensions with Ukraine

According to SAEDNEWS, Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that Russian forces will overcome the Ukrainian military, whom he referred to as “neo-Nazis,” in both the Kursk region and Donbass. This statement comes as tensions remain high due to Ukraine's recent incursions into Russian territory.

On August 20, 2024, during a poignant visit to the site of the Beslan school massacre—a tragic event from 2004 in which 330 individuals lost their lives—Putin drew parallels between that dark chapter in Russian history and the current conflict with Ukraine. This marked his first visit to Beslan in nearly two decades, where he paid tribute to the victims at memorial sites, including a cemetery and the now-demolished school, which was the scene of a brutal hostage crisis involving Chechen militants.

During his visit, Putin met with mothers who lost their children in the Beslan siege, expressing his belief that Russia's adversaries are once again attempting to destabilize the nation, explicitly referencing Ukraine’s cross-border offensive that began two weeks ago.

“Just as we fought the terrorists, today we have to fight those who are carrying out crimes in the Kursk region,” said Putin, while reiterating his confidence in Russia’s ability to achieve its objectives against "neo-Nazis" just as it did against terrorism.

He assured the gathered mothers from the Mothers of Beslan group, “And we will undoubtedly punish the criminals; there can be no doubt of that.” This group has long advocated for a thorough investigation into the massacre and the government’s response.

The September 2004 hostage crisis lasted approximately 50 hours and concluded in chaos when Russian special forces stormed the building following explosions. The siege occurred amidst a guerilla insurgency by Islamist Chechen separatists, who have been labeled “terrorists” by Putin.

This recent escalation in rhetoric and military posturing further underscores the ongoing volatility between Russia and Ukraine, as both sides prepare for a potential intensification of conflict in the region.