Iranian FM Spokesman: Israel Employing Scorched Earth Strategy in Gaza and West Bank

Sunday, September 08, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman stated that the Israeli regime is desperate to achieve victory over the Palestinian Resistance and nation through pursuing a "scorched earth" strategy.

Iranian FM Spokesman: Israel Employing Scorched Earth Strategy in Gaza and West Bank

According to SAEDNEWS, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Nasser Kan'ani, expressed concerns that the Israeli regime is resorting to a "scorched earth" strategy in its actions against the Palestinian people.

In a post on his X account, Kan'ani noted that after 10 days of attacks on the Jenin camp and 4 days of aggression in Tulkarm, Israeli soldiers have now retreated from these areas in the northern West Bank. He pointed out that the widespread destruction of urban and service infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, as well as in parts of the northern West Bank, mainly in Jenin and Tulkarm, is evidence of this desperate strategy by Israel.

Kan'ani emphasized the responsibilities of countries and international organizations to take action, stating that they have legal, moral, and humanitarian duties to prevent the continuation of what he labeled as war crimes committed by the Israeli regime in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.