Saed News: The walnut tree has broad leaves and can have many health benefits, just like the walnut itself. One of these benefits can be its effect on weight loss.
The walnut, scientifically known as Juglans, is a large and expansive tree. It belongs to the beech family and can grow up to 20 meters in height. The walnut tree requires more sunlight than any other tree. Its trunk is smooth with a silver color, though in some species it is gray. The fragrant leaves of the tree are compound and pinnate. This tree is dioecious, with male and female flowers appearing separately on the same tree. Flowering occurs in early spring, before the leaves emerge. The walnut tree is cultivated in countries such as Japan, the United States, China, and France. One of the most famous walnuts in the world is the Iranian walnut. The tree bears fruit at maturity.
Nutritional Value and Caloric Content of Walnuts
Walnuts, due to their omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, magnesium, copper, and vitamins A and D, are effective for weight loss. Consuming 12 to 14 walnut halves gives you about 190 calories, but not all calories are bad for your health. On the contrary, walnuts have many benefits such as reducing inflammation, lowering the risk of heart disease, controlling diabetes, and preventing aging. Every 100 grams of walnuts contains 645 calories. While walnuts are calorie-dense, their consumption boosts metabolism and the body’s energy use. According to various studies, the energy absorbed from nuts is lower than expected compared to their nutrient content.
Benefits of Walnut Leaf Extract
Traditional medicine experts believe that walnut leaf extract has a warm and dry nature. It is rich in copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin E, vitamin B8, and vitamin A. Additionally, walnut leaf extract contains compounds like gallic acid, ellagic acid, inositol, tannin, paraffin, and minerals like barium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Walnut leaf extract has numerous health benefits, including pain relief, anti-parasitic, anti-platelet aggregation, antimicrobial, anticancer, detoxifying, anti-herpesvirus, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-free radical, antiseptic, anti-viral, libido enhancer, astringent, anti-candidiasis, digestive, diuretic, antifungal, hemostatic, herbicide, insecticide, anti-meningitis, anti-tapeworm, anti-tuberculosis, gout improvement, sciatica relief, nerve strengthening, constipation treatment, hemorrhoid relief, detoxification, treatment for purulent skin infections, increased sexual power, nail strengthening, eczema treatment, eye health, wound healing, and diarrhea relief.
Walnut Leaf Extract for Weight Loss
Walnut leaf extract is high in plant fiber. Consuming this herbal extract before meals may help with weight loss. It assists in weight management by controlling appetite. This extract penetrates stored body fats and eliminates them. To aid in weight loss, drinking two to three cups of walnut leaf extract daily is effective. Additionally, walnut leaf extract can lower blood sugar, which may treat obesity in individuals with diabetes-related weight gain.
Weight Loss with Walnuts
Providing Necessary Energy: Walnuts provide energy, which helps with weight loss. When you consume walnuts, you can reduce the intake of other high-calorie foods during the day.
Improving Gut Health: Gut health is crucial for weight management. An unhealthy gut increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. When your gut is healthy, you can properly digest food and manage weight.
Appetite Control: Walnuts are effective in controlling hunger and can help you feel full longer, reducing cravings for other foods. After consuming walnuts, a part of the brain called the insula becomes more active, and this region is involved in appetite control. Therefore, consuming walnuts can aid in weight loss.
Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Walnuts are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids. When consumed regularly and in appropriate amounts, these fats reduce appetite and assist in weight loss.
Blood Sugar Reduction: People who regularly include walnuts in their diet gradually develop less craving for sweets, calorie-dense foods, and fatty foods, reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity. Walnuts increase insulin sensitivity.
Cholesterol Reduction: Walnuts are rich in healthy fats that lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels in the blood.
Burning Belly and Side Fat: Walnuts are beneficial for fat burning. They contain MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), which are healthy fats that help eliminate harmful saturated fats. A diet rich in MUFAs, like walnuts and fish, is effective in reducing belly and side fat because these healthy fats promote metabolism and help get rid of fat around the waist.
Side Effects of Walnut Leaf Extract
Despite its numerous benefits, walnut leaf extract can have some negative effects if overused. Excessive consumption can lead to liver damage. People with intestinal inflammation, poor digestion, or liver diseases should avoid this extract. It is not recommended for individuals with conditions like asthma, cough, sore throat, gout, headaches, or indigestion. When taken alongside diabetes medications such as insulin or glibenclamide, walnut leaf extract may cause dangerously low blood sugar. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid walnut leaf extract. Additionally, people with a hot temperament should be cautious when using it.
Final Thoughts
The best time to eat walnuts is before each of your two main meals. Eating a handful of walnuts (30 grams) or a few walnuts 15 to 30 minutes before meals will help you feel fuller, and you will end up eating less. Walnuts are high in fiber, which reduces the urge to overeat or consume sugary desserts. Regular physical activity and eating healthy foods like leafy vegetables and fruits are also essential for maintaining an ideal weight.