"Global Unity: Arbaeen 2024 Will HighlightSolidarity in Defending Palestinian Rights"

Thursday, August 15, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The secretary of the Guardians’ Council said that defending the Palestinian people and punishing the fake and illegal regime of Israel will be the demand of pilgrims in this year’s Arbaeen ceremonies.

"Global Unity: Arbaeen 2024 Will HighlightSolidarity in Defending Palestinian Rights"

According to SAEDNEWS, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati recently marked the anniversary of Hezbollah's remarkable triumph over the Zionist regime in the 33-day war of 2006, which is celebrated as the "Day of the Islamic Resistance." In his remarks, he emphasized that, “In today's world, the culture of resistance is recognized as the only way to defeat the hegemony-seeking powers under the auspices of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution.” This statement underscores the importance of resilience and tenacity in the face of external pressures.

During the commemoration, Ayatollah Jannati also extended his congratulations to the families of ex-prisoners of war (POWs) returning to their homeland. He described these individuals as living embodiments of resistance against tyranny, urging that their stories and sacrifices be shared with younger generations. This reflection serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring struggle for freedom and justice.

The ayatollah also pointed to the upcoming anniversary of the Mordad 28 coup (August 18), a significant event in Iranian history when foreign powers orchestrated the overthrow of the nation’s democratic government and reinstated the Shah. He insisted on the importance of continuously reminding society of this pivotal moment, especially for those who place blind trust in Western powers.

Jannati noted that the actions of hegemony-seeking countries during the Mordad 28 coup exemplified their willingness to undermine the dignity of others to achieve their own material interests, often at the expense of truth and justice. This historical reflection serves as a warning against complacency in the face of foreign intervention and manipulation.

In addressing current geopolitical challenges, Ayatollah Jannati voiced a firm commitment to supporting the oppressed people of Palestine and called for holding the oppressive Israeli regime accountable. He highlighted that these principles will resonate with the Arbaeen pilgrims, reflecting a unified demand for justice and solidarity with those who suffer under tyranny.

As Iran commemorates these important anniversaries, the messages of resistance and solidarity remain vital in uniting communities and inspiring future generations to uphold the ideals of justice and freedom.