Indian YouTuber Arrested for Making Peacock Curry For Views!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: YouTuber faces outrage for cooking and eating India's protected national bird.

Indian YouTuber Arrested for Making Peacock Curry For Views!

According to SAEDNEWS, In a shocking turn of events, a would-be social media influencer from India has been arrested after a video of him cooking and eating a peacock—an animal protected under national wildlife laws—sparked widespread outrage. The incident has raised serious questions about wildlife conservation and the responsibilities of content creators on social media.

Kodam Pranay Kumar was detained on Monday in Telangana following an investigation by local authorities. Police confirmed that videos found on his mobile phone verified that the bird featured in his controversial curry dish was indeed a peacock. As a result, he has been placed in jail for 14 days under the Wildlife Protection Act, with the court set to determine whether he will be granted bail.

The vibrant and majestic peacock is a national symbol of India, celebrated for its striking blue plumage and regal presence. They are protected by stringent wildlife laws due to their declining populations caused by urbanization and loss of habitat. Investigators are now looking into how Kumar obtained the peacock for his video, which has since been deleted from his social media channels.

Initial reports suggest that the video was intended as a stunt to attract more viewers, but the backlash was swift and severe. Social media users condemned Kumar for promoting illegal wildlife consumption and showing disrespect towards a cherished national symbol.

The peacock holds not only ecological significance but also cultural importance in India. It adorned the throne of the Mughal dynasty and is often regarded as a representation of beauty and grace. Unfortunately, due to rapid habitat destruction over the past few decades, their populations have dwindled, making legal protections more crucial than ever.

As this case unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder of the responsibilities that come with social media fame, particularly when it involves sensitive topics like wildlife conservation. The authorities’ response highlights the importance of protecting India’s natural heritage and enforcing laws that safeguard its unique wildlife.