UN Reports Nearly Two-Thirds of Gaza Buildings Damaged or Destroyed Amid Ongoing Conflict

Saturday, August 03, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The United Nations reported that almost two-thirds of buildings in the Gaza Strip have been either damaged or destroyed since the onset of the Israeli war on Gaza in October.

UN Reports Nearly Two-Thirds of Gaza Buildings Damaged or Destroyed Amid Ongoing Conflict

According to SAEDNEWS, information gathered by UNOSAT's satellite imagery analysis, a staggering 151,265 structures in the Gaza Strip have been affected by the conflict. The damage assessment, reported by Al Mayadeen, is based on a comparison of satellite images from May 2023 and July 6 of this year.

The findings reveal that nearly 30% of the structures were completely destroyed, while 12% were severely damaged, and 36% moderately damaged. Additionally, around 20% of the structures were possibly damaged, accounting for approximately 63% of the total structures in the region.

The UN Satellite Center also reported that the conflict has generated an enormous amount of debris in the Gaza Strip, with an estimated 41.95 million metric tonnes of rubble. This figure represents an alarming 83% increase from the nearly 23 million tonnes estimated on January 7.

Notably, this war has produced 14 times more debris than all previous Israeli aggressions in the Palestinian territory since 2008. According to UNOSAT, each square meter of the Gaza Strip has generated approximately 114 kilograms (250 pounds) of debris.

UNOSAT, based in Geneva, uses satellite imagery to assist humanitarian efforts in assessing damage caused by conflicts and planning emergency relief efforts.