Senior Cleric: Iran Can Secure Its Place in the World Through Determination

Saturday, August 31, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Tehran's provisional Friday prayers leader stated that with determination, Iran can establish its position in the world and in global competition with the countries that achieved economic power by exploiting other nations.

Senior Cleric: Iran Can Secure Its Place in the World Through Determination

According to SAEDNEWS, Tehran's interim Friday prayers leader, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Hassan Abu Torabi Fard, expressed confidence that Iran can establish its position in the world and compete globally with nations that have gained economic power by exploiting others.

In his remarks, he highlighted the achievement of the Iranian student team in the recent World Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad. The team secured first place in the 17th World Astronomy Olympiad, which featured 250 students from 53 countries.

“This success is an honor for Iranian youth and our educational system,” Abu Torabi Fard noted. He also mentioned that the US, Romania, and Canada ranked second, third, and fourth, respectively.

Emphasizing Iran's potential in various fields, he stated that the country has the capability to make a mark globally. He added that achieving this requires “determination and strong will,” particularly in the face of nations that have gained power by exploiting the resources of Asia, Africa, and South America.