North Korea's Kim Jong Un Monitors Deployment of Missile Launchers to Border

Monday, August 05, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: North Korea has been expanding its short-range weaponry designed to overwhelm missile defences in neighbouring South Korea.

North Korea's Kim Jong Un Monitors Deployment of Missile Launchers to Border

According to SAEDNEWS, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently oversaw a ceremony marking the delivery of 250 new tactical ballistic missile launchers to military units stationed near the border.

State media outlet KCNA released images of the event, which took place in a floodlit square in Pyongyang on Sunday night, showcasing rows of camouflage-painted launcher trucks adorned with flags. Soldiers were seen in formation as celebrations included a fireworks display. During his address, Kim referred to the launchers as an "up-to-date tactical attack weapon" that he had personally designed.

North Korea has been progressively expanding its arsenal of mobile short-range weapons aimed at overpowering missile defenses in neighboring South Korea, while simultaneously developing intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the continental United States. Last month, the country announced a successful test of a new tactical ballistic missile designed to carry a "superlarge warhead." The term "tactical weaponry" generally describes systems capable of deploying lower-yield nuclear weapons.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesperson Lee Sung-joon commented during a media briefing, stating, "We believe these missile launchers are intended for various purposes, including possible attacks or threats towards South Korea. Their deployment near the border suggests a relatively short range."

In his speech, Kim criticized Washington for establishing a "nuclear-based military block" that has compelled his nation to enhance its military readiness. North Korea has consistently denounced joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea as provocations that mimic invasion scenarios.

A spokesperson from Seoul’s Ministry of Unification, responsible for inter-Korean relations, asserted that North Korea's nuclear and missile programs—developed in defiance of United Nations sanctions—pose the greatest threat to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

Tensions between the two Koreas are at some of their lowest levels in years, with the 2018 military agreement aimed at reducing conflict now in disarray. North Korea has mobilized troops to the border, intensified weapons testing, and released hundreds of balloons filled with garbage into South Korean territory. Additionally, Kim has strengthened ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin.