Maduro Reshuffles Cabinet Amid Post-Election Tensions

Thursday, August 29, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a Cabinet reshuffle on Thursday amid rising political tensions and international scrutiny following the July 28 presidential election.

Maduro Reshuffles Cabinet Amid Post-Election Tensions

According to SAEDNEWS, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a significant Cabinet reshuffle on Thursday, coinciding with mounting political tensions and international scrutiny following the contentious presidential election held on July 28.

In the reshuffle, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez remains in her role while also taking on the position of oil minister. Foreign Minister Yvan Gil and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino will continue their responsibilities within the Cabinet. Meanwhile, Diosdado Cabello, a prominent figure within the ruling party, has been appointed as the new interior minister of Venezuela. Additionally, Hector Obregon will take over as the president of PDVSA, the country's state oil company.

During a state television broadcast, Maduro stated that the changes are intended to facilitate reforms and promote "a more vibrant, direct democracy."

The reshuffle follows claims from opposition parties that they emerged victorious in the recent election, directly contradicting Maduro's assertions. Protests have erupted across the country, with opposition leaders demanding transparency and the release of vote tally data.

On the same day, Venezuela's Supreme Court ruled that Maduro won the election. However, numerous countries both regionally and globally have expressed refusal to recognize the election results "unless the electoral records are verified transparently."