IRGC Navy Receives Over 2,600 New Military Assets, Including Advanced Missile Systems and Drones

Saturday, August 10, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: As many as 2,640 new different military equipment such as missile systems and drones were handed over to the IRGC Navy on Friday.

IRGC Navy Receives Over 2,600 New Military Assets, Including Advanced Missile Systems and Drones

According to SAEDNEWS, In a significant ceremony held on Friday, the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) presided over the unveiling of 2,640 cutting-edge missile systems, drones, and various other military assets now integrated into the IRGC Naval Combat Organization.

These advanced cruise missiles, equipped with high-explosive warheads and designed to evade detection, represent a major leap in military technology. Their formidable capabilities are intended to inflict substantial damage, even capable of sinking enemy destroyers.

The ceremony showcased a diverse array of military technology, including long-range and medium-range radar-evading missile systems, combat drones, detection and destruction systems, electronic warfare equipment, naval radars, and more. Notably, attendees got a glimpse of 210 out of the 2,640 new systems, highlighting the scale and sophistication of this latest enhancement to Iran's naval combat capabilities.