IRGC Commander Claims Capability to Engage US Navy in International Waters

Monday, August 12, 2024  Read time2 min

SAEDNEWS: We sent a message to Americans that we are able to reach the closest point to you, a commander of the fifth Martyr Lieutenant General Haj Qassem Soleimani fleet of the IRGC Navy says.

IRGC Commander Claims Capability to Engage US Navy in International Waters

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent statement, Colonel Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy highlighted the significance of their operations following the imposition of US sanctions. “After the United States imposed sanctions on the IRGC Navy, we had to show that the IRGC Navy is not just a coastal force and is capable of supplying various types of heavy vessels, enabling it to have a presence in international waters,” he declared.

The IRGC’s naval fleet, led by the domestically-developed Shahid Mahdavi oceangoing warship, initiated its mission from Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf—a site of poignant history, being the location where the US previously martyred an IRGC commander. Colonel Soleimani emphasized that this mission carried “important messages to the US,” according to PressTV.

During its voyage, the Shahid Mahdavi warship traversed some of the world's most crucial and strategic maritime routes, including the Strait of Malaga. This operational journey showcased the IRGC Navy’s capabilities, as the commander detailed that the flotilla crossed the Equator and entered the zone of the US Navy’s 7th fleet.

In a notable move, the Iranian naval forces approached Diego Garcia Island, home to one of the most significant US military bases in the Indian Ocean, marking a first in their operational history. After a successful 39-day expedition, Colonel Soleimani remarked, “We sent a message to Americans that we are able to reach the closest point to you.”

Reiterating the professionalism of their mission, he clarified, “We did not seek to stoke any tension,” even as tensions in the region continue to escalate. This assertion comes at a time when the US has responded by deploying a guided missile submarine to the West Asia region, with Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin announcing that an aircraft carrier would soon follow.

The recent mission further cements the capabilities of the IRGC Navy, particularly with the Shahid Mahdavi—a multipurpose vessel geared for long-range operations. Weighing in at 2,100 tons, the ship spans 240 meters in length and 27 meters in width. Having joined the IRGC naval fleet in March 2023, the Shahid Mahdavi is equipped with cutting-edge features such as three-dimensional phased array radar, sea-to-sea and sea-to-air missiles, and advanced electronic warfare telecommunication systems.

More than just a maritime asset, the Shahid Mahdavi can carry a variety of attack helicopters, combat drones, and fast attack craft, further enhancing the IRGC Navy’s operational reach and capability. As Colonel Soleimani's statements suggest, this mission is not just a demonstration of military prowess but a strategic statement in the ever-evolving dynamics of international maritime operations.

As we continue to watch the unfolding situation, one thing is clear: the message from the IRGC Navy is loud and clear, signifying a new chapter in maritime strategy and regional influence.