[VIDEO] Why are Bombs Dropped on Children?

Monday, August 12, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: A meaningful video about Gaza with Leader's quotes.

[VIDEO] Why are Bombs Dropped on Children?

According to SAEDNEWS, a meaningful video has been uploaded in Leader's website which we share here. Khamenei said Israeli officials should face trial for their actions in Gaza and warned that “no one can stop” forces opposed to Israel if it continues its assault.

“If the crimes of the Zionist [Israeli] regime continue, Muslims and resistance forces will become impatient, and no one can stop them,” Khamenei said. “The bombardment of Gaza must stop immediately.”

“Regarding the situation in Gaza, we all have a responsibility to react; we must react,” he said.

Iranian officials often use the term “axis of resistance” to refer to a network of Iran-backed armed groups throughout the region that includes Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Iran’s Fars News Agency also reported that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ali Fadavi warned of further action by Iran-backed groups across the region.

“The resistance front’s shocks against the Zionist regime will continue,” he said.

video credits: Khamenei.ir