Iraq and US Reach Agreement on Withdrawal of American Troops

Saturday, September 07, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Baghdad and Washington reached an agreement on the withdrawal of the international coalition forces under the command of the United States from Iraq.

Iraq and US Reach Agreement on Withdrawal of American Troops

According to SAEDNEWS, On September 7, 2024, officials from Iraq and the United States announced that they have reached an agreement concerning the withdrawal of American troops and other international coalition forces from Iraq. According to Reuters and multiple sources familiar with the negotiations, the agreement outlines plans for the withdrawal of US-led coalition troops, which is anticipated to unfold over the next couple of years.

The preliminary plan suggests that hundreds of troops will depart by September 2025, with the remaining forces expected to leave by the end of 2026. A senior US official stated, "We have an agreement; it's now just a question of when to announce it."

The discussions around the withdrawal have gained momentum following statements from Iraqi officials, including Hadi al-Amiri, the secretary general of the Badr Organization, who emphasized the necessity of establishing a timetable for the exit of American troops. "The decision to withdraw American forces from Iraq is an irreversible decision, and we will soon announce a timetable for that," Al-Amiri asserted.

As the situation develops, both Washington and Baghdad remain focused on finalizing the details and the announcement date for the withdrawal, marking a significant step in the transition of security responsibilities in Iraq.