Iran and Belarus Strengthen Military Cooperation, Boosting Regional Ties

Thursday, August 08, 2024  Read time2 min

SAEDNEWS: The lead commander of the Iranian Army and the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Republic of Belarus stressed that the two countries seek to expand military relations and exchange experiences.

Iran and Belarus Strengthen Military Cooperation, Boosting Regional Ties

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent meeting, General Abdolrahim Mousavi, the chief commander of the Iranian Army, emphasized the shared challenges and interests between Iran and Belarus in light of the harsh sanctions imposed by the United States and the West. He highlighted that both nations face common adversaries and must work together to navigate this difficult landscape.

Expressing appreciation for Belarus' steadfast stance following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, General Mousavi noted that Belarus holds a crucial strategic position, acting as a strong deterrent against NATO's expansion efforts. He pointed out that not only does Iran oppose NATO's advances, but countries in the region share this sentiment as well.

Reflecting on the enduring unilateral sanctions that have targeted Iran since the Islamic Revolution, General Mousavi emphasized the country's resolve to maximize its strengths and minimize dependency on external powers for its defense. He acknowledged that the people, government, and military of Belarus also grapple with sanctions but are finding their own strategies to resist NATO's influence and counteract the unilateral actions of the U.S.

The army chief stressed a mutual commitment to enhance cooperation between Iran and Belarus, citing President Aleksandr Lukashenko's recent visit to Iran and his meeting with Martyr Raeisi as a pivotal foundation for their relationship and joint initiatives.

A key focus of the collaboration is to develop effective strategies to counter the unilateralism of the United States. General Mousavi mentioned that Iran's armed forces possess invaluable experiences from the era of the Sacred Defense, advocating for resilience against global powers and the fight against terrorism. He also pointed out that Belarus has its own significant experiences, particularly from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, mentioning that sharing these insights could bolster both nations' defenses.

General Andrey Lukyanovich, the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense of Belarus, reinforced this sentiment, expressing his country’s desire to deepen military cooperation with Iran and to benefit from the Islamic Republic's extensive defense experience. He reiterated Belarus' opposition to U.S. unilateralism and NATO's expansionist policies.

In a gesture of goodwill, General Lukyanovich extended an invitation to General Mousavi, encouraging him to visit Belarus to explore the country's defense capabilities further.

As geopolitical complexities continue to unfold, the collaboration between Iran and Belarus may serve as a vital alliance, aimed at resisting external pressures and enhancing regional security.