Deadline Set: Illegal Immigrants in Iran Required to Depart by Year’s End

Monday, August 12, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iranian border police commander Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi stated that illegal immigrants must leave Iran by the end of the year.

Deadline Set: Illegal Immigrants in Iran Required to Depart by Year’s End

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent announcement, Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi made it clear that Iran's stance on illegal immigration is changing. The directive is straightforward: all illegal immigrants residing in Iran are expected to leave the country by the end of the year. This policy, as Goudarzi emphasized, is in alignment with the desires of the Iranian people, who seek to enhance their national security.

According to Goudarzi, the presence of illegal immigrants has had a long-standing impact on the resources and facilities within the nation. He stated, "These individuals have utilized all the facilities in our country for a considerable time, but now it's time for them to depart."

Additionally, Iran’s police chief, Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Radan, echoed Goudarzi's sentiment, further stressing the urgency of the situation. On Thursday, Radan reiterated that all illegal foreign nationals must return to their home countries by the year's end.

This directive highlights a significant shift in Iran's immigration policy and underscores the government's intention to address security concerns while responding to public sentiment. As the deadline approaches, it remains to be seen how this mandate will impact both the Iranian community and the lives of those affected by it.