Exciting News: 'Moana' Creators Promise Fans: 'You Will Not Be Disappointed' with Upcoming Sequel!

Monday, August 12, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Makers of ‘Moana 2’ are fuelling the hype of the forthcoming movie.

Exciting News: 'Moana' Creators Promise Fans: 'You Will Not Be Disappointed' with Upcoming Sequel!

According to SAEDNEWS, Moana 2 will make a huge wave and will dwarf the first film in scope and vision. This is how the creators of the sequel hyped the upcoming movie.

Unveiling the trailer at D23, Jared Bush, the franchise screenwriter said, “This movie is way bigger than the first film. There's so much more to tell in Moana's and Maui's story, along with this whole new crew that comes along.”

He continued, “We have an incredible new tapestry of songs that tell the story emotion, funny songs, a new Maui song, which is absolutely bonkers incredible."

Not only this, the creator added new characters will bring out a twist in the story. "And then we have this incredible antagonist that is this incredible storm that you saw hinted at in our trailer."

"It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen. Our team is just blowing the doors off for everybody here and we're having a blast doing it."

Assuring fans, Jared said, "You will not be disappointed. We are making things that look better than the original film, which is the highest bar ever."