Bridging Cultures: How Shared Heritage is Strengthening Iran-India Relations

Saturday, August 17, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani said that the cultural and civilizational commonalities are the important bases for advancing and developing relations between Iran and India.

Bridging Cultures: How Shared Heritage is Strengthening Iran-India Relations

According to SAEDNEWS, During a ceremony marking the 78th anniversary of India's independence, Iranian diplomat Bagheri Kani extended heartfelt congratulations to the Indian government and its people. “With pleasure, I convey my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the revolution of the friendly country of India to the government, nation, and also to Mr. Ambassador and diplomats of the embassy and their respected families,” he stated.

Bagheri Kani emahasized the significance of independence, noting its importance for any nation. He acknowledged that the struggle for independence holds great value for the Indian people, who attained it “with years of hardship and struggle under the wise leadership of outstanding figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, and Abul Kalam Azad.”

The diplomat also addressed broader issues of freedom and justice, mentioning the global respect for the Palestinian independence struggle. “If, today, all the freedom-seeking people of the world respect the independence struggle of the Palestinian people and condemn the genocidal war of the occupying regime of Israel against Palestinians, crime against humanity, war crime, and child-killing of the Zionist regime, they have their roots in this common aspect of philanthropy that backs the independence and freedom of all nations throughout the world,” he noted.

Bagheri Kani condemned the recent Israeli assassination of ex-Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh, referring to it as “an unforgivable crime” that violates Iran’s sovereignty and endangers regional stability. He called for global condemnation of the act, emphasizing that Iran reserves the right to take revenge against what he described as "the occupying regime of Israel."

Highlighting Iran's commitment to supporting India, Bagheri Kani expressed that a powerful India contributes to the global balance. “The Islamic Republic of Iran supports a powerful India in the global arena that helps negate unilateralism and strengthen multilateralism in the world,” he stated. He further emphasized that India’s economic growth and development will bolster peace and development in the region.