One of the top and most famous horse breeds in Iran is the Turkmen horse, which has garnered attention due to its very high physical strength.
If you're looking for a reliable and flawless riding horse and want to have excellent examples of Turkmen horses, you can consider the type from North Khorasan and be fully satisfied with it.
The Turkmen horse from North Khorasan has a long stature and long manes. It has inherited a unique genetic trait and has gained many followers. The Turkmen horse from North Khorasan has delicate skin and soft hair, with shiny manes, making it one of the best-known horse breeds.
Our collection offers the best examples of Turkmen horses from North Khorasan, along with livestock and poultry feed, which are highly resilient and always have strong leg muscles that enable them to endure tough conditions. One example we have introduced to the market is the Akhal breed, which is golden in color and is the best option for competitions, known for its high intelligence in finding the right path. Another breed that can be considered for Turkmen horses from Khorasan is the Chenaran type, which has heightened senses and uses these senses to maneuver and react to obstacles. It’s also worth mentioning that Turkmen horses from Golestan are resilient in harsh environmental conditions, with strong digestive systems, allowing them to withstand hunger for extended periods.
By reviewing history and examining the reigns of kings who sought to preserve their territories, as well as the wars and tombs left by kings from ancient times, it’s clear that tall Turkmen horses were used in their battles.
It is interesting to note that between 3000 and 4000 years before Christ, humans in Central Asia first used horse meat and milk for sustenance. Over time, as human societies advanced, horses were used for carrying loads. Later, by identifying wild horses that could withstand harsh climatic conditions, humans tamed these wild horses and gained more advantageous uses of these breeds. Today, only a few purebred tall Turkmen horses remain, with the most famous being the Akhal-Teke breed. Purebred Turkmen horses are used in sports worldwide, and in some Western countries, horseback riding has gained much popularity.
This breed is highly resilient to tough weather and environmental conditions and has lived in areas like North America, Russia, Turkmenistan, and vast steppes until they were domesticated and used by humans.
It is believed that these horses are descendants of purebred riding horses and have ranked first in terms of influence on other breeds since the 19th century. The formation history of the Arab breed also traces the influence of these horses. However, during that ancient period, the name Akhal-Teke had not yet existed. The Turkmen Yomut horse is very similar to Akhal-Teke horses. The nomadic Yomut tribe enhanced their horses by introducing Iranian Arab horses and Plateau Iranian horses into their herd. For people seeking a horse for daily transportation and preferring it for participation in various competitions, the Turkmen Yomut horse can be considered the best option.
The Turkmen Yomut horse has great endurance over distances and takes long strides, providing remarkable speed for its rider. There are various types of Turkmen Yomut horses, which have a special shine, and their bodies have a metallic appearance, giving them a striking look.