NATO Expands Its Presence: Major Airbase Construction Underway in Romania

Monday, August 19, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The Mihail Koğalniceanu Military Base in Romania, built during the communist era on the Black Sea opposite Crimea, has undergone a transformation to strengthen NATO's capabilities in the east of the continent.

NATO Expands Its Presence: Major Airbase Construction Underway in Romania

According to SAEDNEWS, In a significant development for NATO’s presence in Eastern Europe, construction is in full swing on a new military base in Dobruja, Romania, as reported by Lemonde. Located on a vast plateau overlooking the Black Sea, excavators and trucks are busy digging and terracing, preparing for what will eventually become a major runway and taxiways for aircraft.

"What do you think?" asked Captain Engineer Aurel Bocai on Thursday, July 25, while proudly showcasing the massive construction site that began just six weeks ago. The base is situated at Mihail Kogălniceanu in Constanța and is set to become the largest NATO military facility in Europe, surpassing the size of the U.S. military base in Ramstein, Germany.

This new base is expected to bolster Romania's role in NATO’s security framework, enhancing the country’s strategic position in the Black Sea region, an area heavily influenced by Russian military might. By 2030, the facility will be capable of accommodating up to 10,000 soldiers and civilians, marking a pivotal enhancement to NATO's operational capabilities in the region.