Mohammed Bin Salman says fears assassination

Thursday, August 15, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has told visiting US lawmakers that he fears being assassinated over his pursuit of normalization with the regime of Israel.

Mohammed Bin Salman says fears assassination

According to SAEDNEWS, In recent discussions with members of Congress, a Saudi royal has expressed the personal risks he faces while pursuing a significant diplomatic agreement with the United States and Israel that would involve normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

On at least one occasion, he has drawn parallels to Anwar Sadat, the former Egyptian leader who was assassinated after reaching a peace agreement with Israel. He has posed a poignant question about what actions the U.S. took to protect Sadat, highlighting the dangers associated with such bold political moves.

The Saudi royal has also articulated the threats he encounters, emphasizing that any prospective deal must genuinely pave the way for a Palestinian state—an argument that resonates even more in light of the escalating tensions in Gaza and the growing anger in the Arab world towards Israel.

Earlier this August, reports from Zionist media outlets indicated that Tel Aviv had suspended the normalization process with Riyadh. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly decided to defer efforts to advance relations with Saudi Arabia until after the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

This decision appears to be influenced by the current tumultuous political climate in America, according to the reports. Interestingly, Netanyahu had initially intended to leverage the normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia as a means to stabilize his own political situation amid the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

The implications of these developments are vast, as they could reshape the dynamics of Middle Eastern diplomacy and the ongoing efforts towards peace and stability in the region.