Ghalibaf and Bagheri Condemn Zionist Regime for Gaza Massacre

Sunday, August 11, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf and Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani have strongly condemned the Zionist regime of Israel's massacre in Gazan school of Tabeen.

Ghalibaf and Bagheri Condemn Zionist Regime for Gaza Massacre

According to SAEDNEWS, In a fierce response to the recent tragedy in Gaza, Iran’s Parliament Speaker, Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf, condemned the Israeli airstrike that claimed the lives of over 100 Palestinians, many of whom were displaced individuals seeking refuge at Gaza’s al-Tabeen School. Ghalibaf described this act as yet another indication of Israel’s "brutal genocide" against the Palestinian people, calling it a mockery of human values.

The Parliament Speaker expressed his outrage in a post on the social media platform X, stating, "The criminal gang ruling the occupied Palestinian territories has once again demonstrated its intent to commit horrific acts against innocent people, particularly the children who sought safety in that school. We strongly condemn this atrocity." He went on to assert that Western support for Israel, especially from the United States, emboldens the regime to persist in its violent campaign against Palestinians. Ghalibaf emphasized that the Zionist regime only responds to the language of force, urging Muslim nations to abandon ineffective rhetoric and take meaningful action to halt the “murder machine” of the Zionist state.

Echoing Ghalibaf's sentiments, Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister, Ali Bagheri Kani, also spoke out against the Israeli airstrike, stressing that it underscored the regime's genocidal intentions toward the Palestinian population. In his remarks on X, Bagheri Kani criticized the international community for its complacency towards what he termed the “criminal Zionist entity.” He warned that such appeasement only facilitates the spread of evil and undermines the principles of human civilization.

Bagheri Kani called upon all governments, particularly those in the Islamic world, to recognize their moral and legal responsibilities in stopping the genocide of Palestinians. He lamented the actions of nations that provide military, political, and financial support to Israel, branding them complicit in the ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people. Among those he specifically targeted were the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, whom he accused of facilitating Israeli crimes.


In light of these events, the Iranian leaders’ statements serve as a clarion call for solidarity and action against the violence in Gaza, urging a united front in defense of Palestinian rights.