"Racist Zionist Regime is Root Cause of Regional Security Threat" Iran's FM

Thursday, August 22, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Reacting to a joint statement issued by the prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the racist Zionist regime is the root cause of threat to the regional and international peace.

"Racist Zionist Regime is Root Cause of Regional Security Threat" Iran's FM

According to SAEDNEWS, Nasser Kan’ani, articulated a strong condemnation of what he described as the "racist Zionist regime," asserting that it is the primary source of threats to both regional and international peace.

Kan’ani criticized the statement from the Australian and New Zealand leaders for addressing only a portion of the realities surrounding the West Asian crisis, failing to acknowledge critical aspects of the situation. He emphasized that there is a pressing global demand for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the protection of civilians, and the rapid and effective delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. According to Kan’ani, the international community must take concrete actions to enforce these necessities and compel the Zionist regime to comply with the requests.

Highlighting what he perceives as a pattern of double standards, Kan’ani stated that the joint statement further exemplified the inconsistency in Australia and New Zealand's approach to fundamental human rights, international law, and developments in the region.

He stated, "The overt and covert support for a regime that has been engaged in committing genocidal war against the oppressed Palestinian people means encouraging the criminal Zionist regime to continue these horrible crimes." Kan’ani underscored that the provisions put forth by the two nations reflect a blatant disregard for the facts and a diversion from public sentiment.

With escalating tensions and violence in the region, he lamented the United Nations Security Council's inability to issue a singular statement condemning the actions of the Zionist regime, particularly regarding the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the former head of the Hamas politburo. He attributed this inaction to the US's unconditional support for Israel and labeled the Australian and New Zealand leaders' comments as overlooking Iran's "inherent right to punish the aggressor" and create deterrence against further provocations.

Kan’ani concluded with a stark reminder: "The criminal Zionist regime is the main cause of threat to the regional and international peace and security."

This statement reflects ongoing tensions in a conflict that has drawn international attention and sparked calls for urgent humanitarian intervention.