Saednews: The Red Dome of Maragheh, located in East Azerbaijan Province, is one of the architectural works of the Azeri style from the Seljuk period, situated in the southwestern part of this ancient city.
According to the news service with To Saadnews, the Red Dome of Maragheh is one of the prominent architectural works of the Seljuk period in East Azerbaijan Province, built in 1147 AD by the ruler of Azerbaijan. This structure is recognized as one of the five tombs of the city of Maragheh, and its design clearly showcases the architectural styles of the Razi and Azeri schools. Due to its beauty and cultural history, the Red Dome of Maragheh is a popular tourist destination for those interested in architecture and history.
This structure, with its unique architectural style and the combination of brick and glazed tiles, is an example of the skill and artistry of the architects of that period. The design of the Red Dome reflects the precision and artistic taste of the architects of the time, and it possesses unparalleled charm. The registration of the Red Dome as one of Iran's national monuments confirms the high importance and value of this building in Seljuk architecture. It is considered one of the most famous and valuable buildings in the region, standing as an outstanding example of Iranian architecture from that period.