Principles and Method of Performing Standing Calf Raise Exercise with Machine

Sunday, March 09, 2025  Read time3 min

The standing calf raise with machine is an exercise that helps to increase the size and strength of your calf muscles. In this article, we will teach you the professional and strength-building techniques for performing the standing calf raise with a bodybuilding machine. Stay with us!

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Principles and Method of Performing Standing Calf Raise Exercise with Machine

The calf is part of the lower body and lies between the knee and ankle. The two thin bones, the tibia and fibula, are located in the calf, and many nerves, blood vessels, and muscles are present in the calf area.

Main Muscle Targeted in the Standing Calf Raise Exercise:

  • Calf muscles (Gastrocnemius)

Type of Exercise: Strength training
Mechanism: Isolation
Exercise Level: Beginner
Required Equipment: Machine
Type of Force in Standing Calf Raise Machine Exercise: Pulling (Bilateral)

By following these steps, you can perform this exercise correctly. Here are some useful tips for training the calf raise with the machine:


Before Using Any Gym Machine: It’s important to learn the correct way to perform any movement on a gym machine, as improper execution can cause serious injury.

Foot Position:

  • If your toes are pointing straight ahead, the entire calf muscle will be targeted.

  • If your toes point outward, the focus of the movement will be on the inner or middle part of the calf muscle.

  • If your toes point inward, the outer part of the calf muscle will be targeted.

  • If your feet are positioned at the width of your hips, the entire calf muscle will be engaged. A wider stance will target the inner calf, while a narrower stance will focus on the outer part of the calf.

Body Position in the Calf Raise Exercise:

  • Keep your knees firmly bent and your back straight.

  • If your knees are locked straight, they will stretch the calf muscle and focus the exercise on the calf muscle, minimizing the involvement of the soleus muscle.

  • If your knees are bent, the soleus muscle will also be engaged in the movement.

Range of Motion in the Calf Raise Exercise:

  • The maximum range of motion will provide a full stretch at the bottom of the movement and a complete contraction at the top.

How to Perform the Standing Calf Raise with Machine:

  1. Set the machine to the desired height and position your shoulders beneath the pad properly.

  2. Adjust your feet so that the toes are pointed forward. The balls of your feet should be placed on the machine while your heels remain free.

  3. Apply pressure through your knees and straighten your body to stand up. Your knees should always remain slightly bent; avoid locking your knees.

  4. Once standing, exhale and raise your body as high as possible, lifting through the balls of your feet. Ensure that your knees do not move or bend during the movement.

  5. Pause for a moment at the top, and then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position while inhaling.


  6. Repeat the movement as many times as possible.

Key Tips:

  • Perform each repetition of the standing calf raise exercise slowly and with control. Minimize any jerky movements, and at the top of the movement, pause briefly to focus on the contraction.

  • If you feel any pain or pressure on the back of your knee joint, slightly bend your knees and avoid fully locking them during the exercise.

  • If your knee doesn’t lock completely, ensure that your position remains stable throughout the repetitions.

  • If you feel a stretch at the bottom of your feet during the movement, limit the depth of your heel drop.


If you feel pain in your lower back, it’s advisable to try the calf raise using the leg press machine instead. This is because during the standing calf raise with the machine, your back muscles help lift the weight. Also, throughout the movement, your back should remain straight and stable.

This exercise can also be performed in various other ways. Instead of using the machine, you can use a barbell or dumbbells with one or both feet simultaneously.