Chewing food well is one of the important principles of proper eating. Chewing is a key factor in the digestion and absorption of food, but unfortunately, we tend to overlook it and have become accustomed to swallowing food quickly and without chewing.
Chewing food well is one of the most important factors in helping the digestive system function properly and maintaining a healthy weight. Unfortunately, many of us don't pay attention to this for various reasons, such as lack of time, and we have created digestive and metabolic problems for ourselves due to this negligence. In this content, we will tell you what important benefits chewing food well has for you.
What is the importance of chewing food well? Properly chewing food in the mouth helps break down larger food particles into smaller pieces. This also helps reduce stress on the esophagus and, as a result, assists the stomach in metabolizing (breaking down and utilizing) your food better. The simple habit of chewing food well can have a significant impact on your health! Saliva contains specific enzymes that can help break down food more effectively. Proper chewing of food can help with easier digestion and the absorption of more nutrients into the body. When you chew your food properly, the body releases digestive enzymes in the stomach that help break down the food so your body can convert it into energy. On the other hand, when food is not chewed properly and remains undigested, it may lead to digestive issues such as indigestion, acidity, bloating, heartburn, constipation, headaches, and general fatigue. It is important to note that simply chewing food more doesn't ensure optimal digestion, and in addition to chewing food thoroughly, you should also take other steps to improve digestion and reduce the risk of constipation and bloating. However, chewing well is a simple and highly effective method to achieve this goal, and it is emphasized in many weight loss and weight maintenance diets. For example, another step you can take is to focus on your meals and avoid distractions like watching TV, talking, or eating while moving, so you can be calm and focused during your meal. This not only improves digestion but also enhances your enjoyment of the food. It's worth noting that to check if you are chewing your food well, you should pay attention to the content in your mouth. If you can still feel pieces of food in your mouth, it means you haven’t chewed it properly, and it needs to be chewed more.
Main benefits of chewing food well for health As mentioned, chewing food well helps improve the function of the digestive system, which results in the following benefits. Below, we have listed the benefits of chewing food well, as outlined by Saadnews. Stay with us until the end of this content to gain this useful information.
Healthy weight When a person spends more time chewing their food, it takes longer to finish a meal. People who eat slowly tend to eat less because when you eat, your brain receives a signal indicating that you are full. If you chew your food too quickly, you may finish eating, but your brain may still think you are hungry. When this happens, you are likely to eat more and consume more calories, which could lead to weight gain.
Helps break down fats Saliva contains specific enzymes that help break down food. For example, lingual lipase is one of the enzymes produced by the salivary glands under the tongue, which aids in fat breakdown. The longer food stays in the mouth and is exposed to saliva while chewing, the longer it is exposed to these enzymes. If fat is not fully broken down and processed, it can lead to indigestion. Longer exposure to saliva through proper chewing helps food pass through the esophagus more easily as it softens or liquefies the food.
Better food digestion The chewing process breaks food into smaller pieces, which makes digestion easier. Digestion is actually a very tough and important task for your body. This process requires a lot of energy, especially if the stomach has to digest food that hasn’t been chewed properly and still contains large chunks. Chewing properly allows the stomach to work more efficiently and break down food more quickly. As a result, well-chewed food reaches different parts of your body more rapidly, and you will have more energy.
Supports growth and repair in the body The components of different foods are complex and contain various molecules, including proteins. Proteins are vital for the body's health because they break down into amino acids, which are the building blocks of growth and development in the body. They are essential for a healthy life, as we cannot create or store amino acids in our bodies. If you don’t chew your food properly, it creates a barrier to digesting proteins and, eventually, amino acids.
Better nutrient absorption People chew food to ensure better absorption. The smaller the food molecules, the better digestive enzymes can break them down and extract nutrients from them. The more you chew, the more you absorb, and the less you eliminate.
Reduces pressure on the digestive system Try this experiment—take a piece of bread, any type of bread, whether a slice of toast or a bread crumb, and chew it 32 times. When it comes to sugar in the mouth, you know that carbohydrates are fully broken down. Now imagine swallowing a piece of bread without chewing. It will stay in the stomach until it breaks down.
No feeling of heaviness after each meal We all know the energy dip that occurs after a heavy meal. Your brain feels sluggish... you know this feeling. This happens because blood must be diverted from the brain and the extremities to the stomach and digestive system, which is above the normal amount. Chewing each bite thoroughly and quickly during each meal can cause drowsiness, for example, at lunch. But by chewing slowly, you digest half of the food in your mouth, so less blood is directed to the stomach. The result is that you feel light and energetic after eating instead of heavy and sleepy.
Improves chronic diseases What we eat matters, but how we eat it also counts. The manner and number of chews can help treat many diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and insomnia.
Weight loss Research studies have shown that when you chew food thoroughly, you end up eating less and losing weight. You might think this is because we get tired of chewing. That's not the case. What happens is that it takes a little time for the brain to receive the signal that you’re full. When you eat quickly, your stomach doesn’t have the chance to send the “full” signal, so mindful eating reduces appetite by about 15%.
Maintains dental health Chewing food more helps maintain dental health in several ways:
It strengthens the gums and teeth by applying pressure to the food particles.
It increases saliva flow in the mouth, which helps clean food particles from the teeth and eliminate bacteria.
It neutralizes acids in the mouth.
Correct method of chewing food If, after reading the previous sections, you have decided to make changes in your eating habits regarding chewing food but don’t know how to do it, we will explain here what it means to chew food well. The best advice for chewing food well is to chew each bite about 32 times in your mouth. The goal is to break down whatever you eat completely with your teeth until it turns into a paste. So, if the food becomes this consistency with fewer than 32 chews, it’s sufficient and well-chewed. Additionally, you should keep the following points in mind:
Chew your food slowly and continuously.
Chew your food until it almost turns into liquid or loses its texture completely.
Complete chewing and swallowing before taking another bite.
Chew food 32 times.
Experts have a lot to say about chewing. A common recommendation is to chew your food approximately 32 times before swallowing. For soft, watery foods, less chewing is required. The goal of chewing is to break down your food to disintegrate its texture. It seems that 32 chews is an average number that applies to most bites. Foods that are harder to chew, such as steak and nuts, may require 40 chews. Foods like watermelon may require less chewing—about 10 to 15 times.
Why is the number "32" so important? In Indian tradition, chewing 32 times is related to the number of teeth we have, meaning that the appropriate number of chews should correspond to each of our teeth. Although this number is symbolic and serves to emphasize the importance of chewing and staying mindful.
Don’t eat while driving, watching TV, or texting.
Choose high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables that require more chewing.
Set a timer for 20 to 30 minutes for each meal, and don’t get up from the table until it’s done.
Put your utensils down every few minutes and pick them up only after swallowing a bite.
So, use these simple tricks and set aside 30 minutes for each main meal, and you will see improvements in your health through this mindful chewing.
In conclusion, chewing food well plays a crucial role in digestion and metabolism, and it is one of the main pillars of food hygiene. In fact, food hygiene isn’t just about what you eat, but also how you eat it. Therefore, we recommend making this simple principle a habit to maintain your health, especially maintaining a healthy weight, which prevents many diseases. You will see amazing results after some time. I hope you enjoyed this content about weight control, and feel free to share it with others who care about their health. You can also visit the Saadnews sports world section for more content. Thank you very much for your support.