Trump Claims He Can Resolve Iran and North Korea Issues with Phone Calls

Saturday, September 14, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Friday he will be able to solve "most of the problems" related to North Korea and Iran through "phone calls" and possibly in-person talks.

Trump Claims He Can Resolve Iran and North Korea Issues with Phone Calls

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent press conference, former President Donald Trump stated that he believes he can solve many problems related to North Korea and Iran with just a phone call. He even mentioned that he might meet with leaders in person if necessary.

Trump spoke confidently about his foreign policy experience as he prepares for a tight race against Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, with the general election just weeks away. Polls show the two candidates are neck and neck.

From his golf club in Los Angeles, Trump stated, "I'll be able to make phone calls and solve most of the problems." He was addressing concerns about North Korea’s recent announcement of a uranium enrichment facility and the military cooperation between Iran and Russia, questioning how he would handle these issues if elected again in November.

In his remarks, he also referenced a conversation with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who reportedly told him that many world leaders “were afraid of Trump.”

As the election approaches, it remains to be seen how Trump’s proposed approach to foreign policy will resonate with voters.