Promotion of Peace is Iran's Top Priority, Says Leader's Advisor

Tuesday, September 17, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: A senior advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the promotion of peace is a top priority for Iran’s policies.

Promotion of Peace is Iran's Top Priority, Says Leader's Advisor

According to SAEDNEWS, A senior advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has stated that promoting peace is a key focus of Iran’s policies. Brigadier General Amir Hatami, who advises on army affairs, made these remarks during a ceremony in Tehran on Monday.

Hatami emphasized that Iran has made significant efforts to promote peace, which he described as a “definite and permanent” policy rooted in Islamic principles. He pointed out that throughout history, the Iranian Islamic establishment has maintained a record of peace and friendship, and has never started a conflict with other nations.

Recalling the war with Iraq in the 1980s led by the then-dictator Saddam Hussein, Hatami noted that despite having support from both Western and Eastern nations, Saddam could not achieve his goals against the strong resistance of the Iranian people and armed forces.

The advisor also criticized the actions of the United States and Israel, stating that they have conducted numerous attacks in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and Gaza, contributing to ongoing violence and unrest in those regions.

Hatami pointed out that violence, military aggression, and sanctions against Iran are major hurdles to achieving peace and development. He called on all nations to stand against these injustices.

He expressed hope that intellectuals and leaders around the world would strive for a model of sustainable and fair peace, leading to greater global harmony and justice.

Regarding the lessons learned from the eight-year war with Iraq, Hatami said it highlighted the challenges in achieving peace due to the presence of warmongering leaders. He assured that while Iran remains committed to peace, it has gained the strength to defend itself against any potential aggressors.

The advisor concluded by stating that the Islamic Republic is dedicated to safeguarding its national peace and security.