How to Stop Living Life on Autopilot

Sunday, September 01, 2024  Read time4 min

SAEDNEWS: Learn how to reclaim your life from autopilot mode and foster a more intentional, fulfilling existence.

How to Stop Living Life on Autopilot

According to SAEDNEWS, Have you ever found yourself moving through the day without really feeling or thinking? If so, you might be living your life on autopilot. This state can leave you feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and disconnected from your true desires. The good news is that you can take steps to shift your life back into a more mindful and meaningful mode. In this post, we’ll explore what living on autopilot means, identify its signs, and provide practical tips for turning things around.

Understanding Autopilot Living

Living on autopilot refers to going through daily tasks without engaged awareness. Imagine brushing your teeth or making breakfast without any real thought—it’s normal for these mindless moments to happen now and then. However, when you start noticing that entire weeks or months blur together, it might be time for a reality check. You may feel as though life is moving fast, yet you are hardly present in it.

Signs You're on Autopilot:

1. Lack of Memory: Do you find it hard to recall how you got to certain points in your life, be it at work or in relationships?

2. Emotional Distance: You might feel numb, distracted, or disconnected from your feelings. Life may start to feel stale or predictable.

3. Dread for Daily Routine: If each day feels like a chore with nothing to look forward to, it could indicate autopilot living.

4. Overdependence on Technology: Finding yourself endlessly scrolling on your phone instead of engaging with the world around you?

5. Lack of Progress: You may feel that you aren’t moving forward in your personal or professional life.

Why We Go on Autopilot

According to Oksana Leitane, a counselor and psychotherapist, many people live on autopilot because they lack a clear sense of direction. Life becomes a routine dictated by external expectations rather than internal passions. When overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, it's easy to default to autopilot as a coping mechanism, allowing you to function without actively engaging with your feelings or decisions.

Steps to Take Back Control

If you want to shift away from living on autopilot, there are several effective strategies you can employ:

1. Practice Self-Care

Start by taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Prioritizing self-care can help you feel more grounded and less overwhelmed. Aim to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, exercise, and engage in activities that bring you joy. This foundation will prepare you for deeper self-reflection.

2. Find Your Purpose

Finding what drives you can reignite your passion for life. Begin by asking yourself questions like: What excites me? What would I love to do? It’s normal to feel lost, so start by allowing yourself to be curious—explore what interests you, and pay attention to your passions.

3. Check In with Yourself

Consider conducting a "Personal MOT" (a check-up for where you are now in life). Reflecting on your current situation will help you identify positive areas and what’s missing. Write down your thoughts and any feelings that emerge as you reflect.

4. Set Meaningful Goals

Begin to focus on what you truly want. Think about what a life worth living looks like for you. This involves setting specific, realistic goals that align with your newfound insights. For example, instead of saying, "I want to improve my skills," specify, "I will enroll in an online course about photography starting next month."

5. Embrace Single-Tasking

In a world full of distractions, it can be overwhelming to juggle multiple tasks. Focus on one goal or task at a time. This single-mindedness can help to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and allows you to pay attention to what truly matters.

6. Identify Your Core Values

Understanding what you value in life can help guide your decision-making. Make a list of your core values and evaluate whether your current life aligns with them. Are you living authentically? If not, seek ways to adjust your path to reflect your true self.

7. Limit Unhealthy Habits

Recognize when you’re engaging in behaviors that contribute to autopilot living, like doomscrolling through social media. Identify healthier alternatives that make you feel more present. This could include reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with loved ones.

8. Consider Professional Guidance

If you find it challenging to navigate these changes, working with a life coach or therapist can provide you with the necessary tools and support. They can help you set achievable goals and hold you accountable.

Living on autopilot can be an easy trap to fall into, but it doesn’t have to define your life. By recognizing the signs and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can reclaim your time and energy. Engaging actively with your desires, setting meaningful goals, and prioritizing self-care opens up new pathways for fulfillment and joy. Don’t let life pass you by—take control and design a life that truly resonates with who you are.