[VIDEO] Persian Poet Nasir Khusraw's 7-year journey through the Islamic world: The Safarnama!

Monday, July 22, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Nasir Khusraw was born in 1004 AD, in Qabodiyon. He was well versed in the branches of the natural sciences, medicine, mathematics, astronomy and astrology, Greek philosophy, and the writings of al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina; and in the interpretation of the Qur'an.

[VIDEO] Persian Poet Nasir Khusraw's 7-year journey through the Islamic world: The Safarnama!

The Safar-nama is record of an expansive journey undertaken by a Persian poet and philosopher, Nasir Khusraw, in the mid-11th CE century. He travelled from Central Asia to the Mediterranean Coast, Egypt, Arabia and back and appears to have compiled his Safar-nama in the latter half of the same century.

Nasir Khusraw is esteemed as one of the great Persian poets and philosophers. The delight in his works has led centuries of Persian-speaking people and others to admire him for his literary capabilities. Amongst the Shi'a Ismaili Muslims, he is also revered as a prominent da‘i of the Fatimid era (r. 10th-11th CE century).

The Safar-nama, or literally “Travelogue,” is a simple and accessible text written in eloquent Persian. It seems to have been written to impress the reader with the sometimes strange and often wonderful things seen by Nasir during his travels rather than with the linguistic skills and capabilities of the author.