SAEDNEWS: Caressing, which is a non-sexual form of intimacy, allows couples to experience emotional security.
One of the greatest benefits of non-sexual intimacy, such as caressing or kissing your spouse, is that it allows a person to let go of their self-care and be emotionally open. No relationship or marriage can succeed without emotional security and reliability. While sexual marital intimacy often focuses on physical pleasure, couples may not be aware of the negative impact it can have on their mental health. Regular kisses and caresses lead to greater satisfaction for men in their relationships with their wives.
In most romantic relationships, sexual expressions of love are used, but what if you live 100 miles away from your partner? What if you and your spouse are waiting for sex? What if you are not a touchy person? What if sexual intimacy is a psychological challenge for you? Expressing love through touch may still be possible, even if you are not having sex with your partner. Despite what you may have learned about romantic love, sex is not everything in a relationship. It is important, but it is not the only physical expression of love.
Caressing is a vital and authentic behavior that, unfortunately, we often overlook. Have you seen how cats become calm when someone strokes their head or caresses their back? Sometimes, all we need is a caress. When our spouse unexpectedly takes our hand or places our head on their chest and caresses us, nothing compares to the power of such behavior. This is the miracle of touch. When, beyond words, the skin cells of the hands—which have the most emotional sensory receptors—touch each other, a significant exchange of energy occurs between the two hands, carrying information that cannot be conveyed through hours of romantic conversation.
If you want to express your feelings for your partner, look for opportunities to touch and physically connect with them. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist and researcher, says: "Stay in contact with each other. We are made to touch, and in fact, the human brain is built for this." When we are romantically touched, the secretion of oxytocin, known as the love hormone, increases in the brain, helping maintain a deep sense of attachment. Fisher recommends: "Hold each other's hands, gently place your feet under the table on your partner’s legs, and sleep in each other’s embrace."
One of the most important effects of touch is the enhancement of the brain and body's abilities. This is a modern psychological phenomenon. Health experts say that if you want to feel calm and free of stress, ask your partner to help you through touch. When we establish physical contact with someone close to us, the secretion of serotonin increases, while cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases. This reduces heart rate and blood pressure. According to research studies, it is recommended to give your partner a massage before an important task (such as a job meeting). This helps them alleviate stress and manage situations better.
Experts say touch acts like a natural painkiller. This is a proven test, and you can try it on your spouse. This is why it is recommended that men hold their wives’ hands during childbirth because it can reduce their pain. What could be sweeter than this? Studies have also shown that holding hands can help regulate breathing and heart rate in couples.
Experts say that when we are touched, our overall health improves. In fact, when we feel relaxed and have less stress, we are better able to fight illness and infection. It is very important for couples to touch each other to reduce tension and pain and maintain their health. Research shows that regular touching between couples strengthens the relationship and increases satisfaction with their partner. It’s amazing that something as simple as this can solidify our relationships.
Caressing is a powerful tool, a fundamental gesture that encompasses all emotions, inner balance, and psychological well-being. Caressing reaffirms and builds emotional relationships and, like an invisible shelter, connects us with the person who resides in our hearts. No technology can replace it: no device can offer the warmth of an embrace or the sweetness of a caress. However, caressing should have certain qualities to leave its magical impact.
For caressing to have its profound impact, it must be unconditional. Any clear or implicit conditions for caressing diminish its effectiveness. Caressing must come directly from your heart. Only then is it effective. If the caress is sincere and unconditional, a connection is made, and both people see themselves as part of each other. Caressing is primarily a sensory stimulant that generates feelings, but it only awakens positive emotions when it is unconditional; otherwise, it may leave unpleasant sensory and emotional consequences for the other person.
If you want to fully experience the benefits of caressing, take every opportunity to touch, caress, hug, or kiss your spouse. The more physical and emotional contact there is between the couple throughout the day, the less stress, tension, and complaints there will be. Simple acts like holding your partner's hand while watching TV, hugging before leaving the house and when returning home, bedtime kisses, and waking-up kisses are examples that can become part of your daily routine.
In many marriages, emotional relationships and physical contact, such as hugging, kissing, and caressing, are relegated to specific times and places, and children, who often witness their parents' arguments, rarely see them hugging or caressing each other. This distorts the image of family life that the child forms in their mind. Psychologists believe that seeing caressing and emotional contact between parents not only conveys a sense of empathy and love to the children but also serves as a model for them. Therefore, let your children experience caressing in the family from a young age.
The key to intimacy in a long and happy relationship is that couples touch each other at least once a day. People don't simply caress for enjoyment, to provide comfort, or to care for and satisfy others. We caress to transmit part of ourselves and to create a bond. Caressing can say a lot about us. Therefore, we should deliver it with calmness and delicacy because it can also transmit our unpleasant emotions.
It’s true that attachment is often considered "dependency," meaning clinging to or attaching to something or someone excessively. However, from an emotional perspective, people need healthy attachment to form bonds. Caressing is a behavior through which we confirm our attachment to another person and also make them emotionally attached to us. Touch can simply strengthen the relationship between couples and keep your emotional connection romantic.
Love and affection can be expressed in many ways, and each person might see love in things that others may not notice. However, the love conveyed through hugging is much more tangible than any other method. Spouses who embrace each other with love provide each other with a safe haven where the sweetness of affection is deeply felt. It’s as if the miracle that an embrace creates in relationships is the same for all people worldwide, carrying positive messages with it. Therefore, never underestimate the positive impact of hugging your spouse, and do it on various occasions to strengthen your relationship.