Do's and Don'ts of Eating Habits for a Flat Stomach

Sunday, March 09, 2025  Read time8 min

Having a flat stomach and a good body shape is a dream for many people, but achieving this goal can seem difficult. However, with a precise plan, you can get the results you desire and make this great dream come true.

Do's and Don'ts of Eating Habits for a Flat Stomach

What Should We Do to Have a Flat Stomach?

Reducing belly fat might seem difficult for some. However, it’s important to know that having excessive belly fat can lead to very dangerous factors, including cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, there are various strategies to eliminate belly fat and achieve a flat stomach.

Today, many people consider beauty to be having a good body shape and a flat stomach, which has led to an increase in visits to gyms and clinics for such procedures. Lipomatic surgery is also another method that some people prefer; however, many may opt for surgery to achieve a well-shaped body and a flat stomach. There are, however, many natural methods and diets that, with perseverance, can help you achieve a well-shaped body and a flat stomach.

To have a flat stomach, you don't always need to exercise; sometimes factors such as diet or poor eating habits can cause bloating and an enlarged belly. When it comes to weight loss, everyone wants to lose weight quickly. You cannot target weight loss in specific areas like the belly, legs, or arms. If you want to lose weight and burn fat, the only solution is to maintain a diet with fewer calories than your previous intake.

1. Consume Plenty of Vegetables

Vegetables can help shrink belly fat and are one of the best ways to aid in weight loss!

One of the biggest benefits of vegetables for weight loss is their low calorie content, while still providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Vegetables are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and chemicals that help with weight loss.

Some of these nutrients, such as catechins and anthocyanins, can help increase the body’s ability to burn fat. Overall, antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress in the body. Consuming vegetables increases fiber intake and helps wash waste from your colon.


2. Find Your Magic Smoothie

Try different low-calorie smoothies and drinks until you find one you like and can consume throughout the day. This will help reduce your cravings and appetite. Smoothies made from fresh vegetables like celery, spinach, parsley, or kale are very effective for weight loss and reducing appetite. Some of these smoothies can even be consumed as a meal.

3. Include Diuretics in Every Meal

Diuretic foods are those that increase urine production, thereby flushing excess fluids from your body. This natural way to reduce belly fat not only helps with weight loss but also improves gut health.

Including diuretics in your breakfast, lunch, and dinner can help you progress toward having a flat stomach. Rebecca Lewis, RD at Hello Fresh, says, "Lemons are a natural diuretic, which is why it’s recommended to squeeze lemon juice into water." "Beets, watermelon, asparagus, cucumber, celery, parsley, and asparagus are also good food sources that help us quickly get rid of excess water that can cause belly bloating."

4. Eat from Small Plates

Losing weight is not easy. While many weight loss tips are not supported by research, using smaller plates seems to be a strategy that is scientifically backed. This prevents you from loading up extra food on your plate and also helps avoid going back for seconds. It’s a great trick for when you’re at a party!

5. Use a Red Plate

Scientists claim that using a red plate while eating can help with weight loss. According to a study by German and Swiss academics, eating meals from red plates or drinking from red cups can reduce food consumption by 40%. On average, people eat less when using red plates compared to blue or white plates. Research has shown that people who use this color for their plates tend to consume less food.

6. Replace Regular Salt with Pink Salt

Using Himalayan pink salt helps with weight loss, balancing hormones, reducing muscle cramps, and improving sleep. Along with a balanced diet and exercise, Himalayan salt can help strengthen the four main aspects of weight loss.

Firstly, it boosts metabolism, allowing your body to burn calories more efficiently. It also helps significantly reduce food cravings. This salt is useful for controlling appetite and improving digestion. Another great benefit of using Himalayan salt is that it can help improve your physical condition and detoxify your body by removing accumulated toxins.

Using pink salt can help your body absorb nutrients better. When you consume better nutrients (through a balanced diet), it leads to improved digestion. Better digestion, in turn, boosts metabolism. Having a strong metabolism, along with a good diet and exercise, is a key factor in weight loss.

7. Be Mindful of How You Eat

To promote mindful eating: "Eat in a calm environment, turn off the TV, play music, and even light some candles. By taking your time to eat and chew your food, you help with digestion and reduce the speed at which you eat, preventing overeating." Eating is one of the main aspects of life, so you should make time for it and adopt a healthy style.

8. Follow the Chewing Rule

Prepare to count the number of chews you make before swallowing and aim for 20 chews. The Nutrition Twins say, "When you swallow quickly, you’re likely swallowing air along with your food, which can cause bloating."

9. Don’t Eat Foods in Their Original Packaging

For example, when you eat a bag of gummy candy straight from the package, you're likely to consume the entire bag. But if you take one piece out and put the package away, your craving is gone, and you won’t consume excessive calories.

10. Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber is essential for our digestive health and helps reduce hunger by keeping us full. Lewis says, "Think of whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables." "As soon as you bring fresh fruits and vegetables home, wash and chop them so you can easily consume them and store them in a place where they are visible, making it more likely that you’ll use them more." Shredded coconut, cocoa powder, and popcorn are also surprisingly good sources of fiber for weight loss.

Consume more soluble fiber. Soluble fibers absorb large amounts of water and slow down food passing through your digestive system. They have been shown to delay stomach emptying, making you feel full longer.

By consuming soluble fiber, you’ll likely experience fat reduction, especially around your waist and belly, while also lowering the risk of several diseases. An observational study showed that for every 10 grams of soluble fiber consumed daily, waist fat reduced by 3.7% over 5 years. Good sources of soluble fiber include oats, flax seeds, avocados, legumes, Brussels sprouts, and blackberries.


11. Use Your Non-Dominant Hand

If you’re right-handed, eat with your left hand. Studies show that people who use this technique reduce their food intake by an average of 30%. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but disrupting our usual behavior makes us more mindful of how much food we consume.

12. Eat a Salad Before Your Main Meal

Replacing a high-calorie, heavy meal with a healthy salad is a great way to lose weight. But you need to choose the right salad ingredients for your diet. Salad ingredients are usually filled with nutritious, flavorful, low-fat ingredients that are carefully selected. In fact, salad, with its high fiber content, reduces your craving for the main course and helps keep you full. Of course, consuming salad is only beneficial for weight loss if you skip high-calorie dressings. You can flavor your salad with lemon juice, yogurt, or a little olive oil.

13. Add Ginger

Adding ginger to your foods or drinks is a great way to reduce bloating, soothe the digestive system, and act as a natural anti-inflammatory.

14. Consume Cucumber

Cucumber contains quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and even bloating in the abdominal area. Cucumber is one of the superstars of quercetin, so be sure to include it in your diet.

15. Eat Asparagus

Asparagus is known for its anti-bloating and diuretic effects. It draws out excess water from the body, relieving discomfort and bloating. It also has properties that help good bacteria in your gut, promoting healthier digestion and preventing gas.

16. Focus on Magnesium and Potassium

Potassium and magnesium are powerful elements when fighting bloating. Both are electrolytes, along with sodium, calcium, and phosphate. Bloating is often a sign of electrolyte imbalance. Bananas, potatoes, acorn squash, and dried fruits are good sources of potassium, while leafy greens (spinach, kale, cilantro) and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of magnesium.

17. Silence Your Phone While Eating

Imagine receiving a stressful phone call during your meal—it’s likely to lead to overeating. Many people have the habit of browsing social media during meals, which distracts them from how much and how they’re eating.

18. Wait 5 Minutes Before Eating When You Feel Hungry

Eating immediately after feeling hungry is a mistake. It's better to wait 5 minutes, then drink water. If you're still hungry, go ahead and eat.

19. Drink Water as Soon as You Wake Up

There are at least three ways that drinking water can help you achieve a flat stomach. First, it may help with weight loss by temporarily increasing your metabolic rate. In fact, drinking water can increase your daily energy expenditure by up to 100 calories. Second, drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller, so you’ll ultimately consume fewer calories. Third, it may help relieve constipation and reduce belly bloating. Drink a large glass of water before each meal to help you achieve your goal of weight loss.

You should drink at least 8–16 ounces of water, even before your morning coffee or tea. This helps detoxify your body, wake up your system, and support digestion and bowel movements. This also helps flush out sodium and bloating that usually accompany it and aids in replenishing fluids lost through urine and sweat.

20. Read Food Labels

There are a few simple rules to follow when reading labels: “When reading a label, start from the top, as the first ingredient is the main component of the product, and the last ingredient is the smallest. Look for foods with low sugar content on the label, and also pay attention to the amount of fats, salt, and saturated fats in the product.”