One of the concerns and problems that many people face is snoring at night, but this snoring can be resolved with a few simple exercises. In the following, Saednews will introduce effective exercises, so stay with us.
Snoring occurs when the throat muscles relax, causing the airway to become blocked, which leads to difficulty in breathing while sleeping. Sometimes, this condition can be the cause of many health problems, such as heart diseases. A study in this area was conducted on 22 men and 17 women, and the researchers divided the participants into two groups. One group used a special nasal spray and also performed exercises for deep breathing, using the spray three times a day. The other group only rinsed their noses three times a day and used exercises to improve swallowing and speech.
Snoring is caused by the vibration of muscles and soft tissue in the muscles, which leads to the obstruction of the upper airways. Therefore, activities that strengthen these muscles are needed. In fact, there is a theory that strengthening muscles can lead to a reduction in snoring. As a result, a study was conducted, and the researchers observed participants for one week based on the exercises given to them. After this period, the frequency and intensity of their snoring were measured for three months. Those who performed the exercises benefited, with a 36% reduction in snoring frequency and a 59% reduction in sound intensity. Examples of these exercises are as follows:
Press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and pull it back. Do this 20 times.
Pull your tongue upwards and repeat this 20 times.
While directing the tip of your tongue toward your front teeth, press the back of your tongue. Do this 20 times.
Lift your tongue and soft palate 20 times.
Using your index finger, pull your cheek away from your teeth and pull it downward. Do this 10 times for each side.
When eating, lift your tongue toward the roof of your mouth, especially when swallowing, without tightening your cheek muscles.
Simply put, the "oropharynx" is the part of the throat located at the back of the mouth. This area includes the tonsils, uvula, soft palate (the back portion of the upper throat), third tonsils, and the back of the tongue. Therefore, "oropharyngeal exercise" essentially refers to exercises that strengthen the muscles inside and around the throat. Strengthening oropharyngeal muscles can help people who are overweight and have short necks. These exercises have been proven to improve respiratory function and reduce daytime sleepiness and can be an alternative treatment for sleep apnea. These exercises are best taught by a sports medicine specialist. However, here are some simpler exercises:
Exercise 1: Gently open your mouth fully, then close it completely, continuing for 10 seconds. Exercise 2: Stick your tongue out and try to touch your chin, repeating this several times. Exercise 3: Stick your tongue out and try to touch the tip of your nose, then relax and repeat this several times. Exercise 4: Repeat the phrase "la-la-la-la" several times.Exercise 5: Gargle with warm water loudly.
To perform these exercises correctly and accurately, do them under the supervision of a sports medicine specialist and speech therapist. These exercises should be done daily for at least 3 months to be effective.
Humidity: If people sleep in a dry environment, they are more likely to snore. Therefore, regulate the humidity in your sleeping area.
Weight Loss: Since one of the most important causes of snoring during sleep is obesity, losing weight can treat snoring caused by this issue.
Elevating Your Head While Sleeping: A low head height from the bed can cause snoring during sleep. Therefore, one way to treat snoring is to elevate your head about 10 cm or slightly more from the bed.
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Air: Purifying and disinfecting the air is an important method for eliminating snoring. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly purify the air in your home.
Cardamom: To reduce snoring, you can use cardamom. Add half a teaspoon of cardamom powder to a glass of warm water and drink the mixture 30 minutes before bed to reduce snoring.
Honey: Using honey is a very suitable option to alleviate snoring. Just add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water before bed and drink it. Repeat this every night.
Therefore, weakness of the tongue and throat muscles is one of the causes of snoring, and there are exercises to improve this sagging. I hope you enjoyed the content on therapeutic exercises and can share it with those who suffer from snoring problems. Also, to view more valuable content, you can visit the Sports World section of Saednews. Thank you for your support!