How Should Employees Exercise?

Monday, March 03, 2025  Read time3 min

Many employees spend a significant portion of their day at work and often feel they don’t have time to exercise. As a result, they may skip it from their daily routine. However, there are specific activities that can help improve their physical fitness.

How Should Employees Exercise?

Suitable Exercises for Employees

Any exercise that can be done while sitting and doesn’t require you to place your hands behind your back is ideal for performing at your desk. Below are five neck exercises for employees that you can do without leaving your chair. A few quick exercises throughout the day can keep your neck and shoulders free from pain and injury.

Horizontal Neck Bend Exercise:

For the first neck exercise, place your fingers on top of your head and gently pull your head toward the right. Once you feel a stretch in your neck muscles, stop applying pressure. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, then remove your hand and return to a neutral position. Take a deep breath, then use your left hand to gently pull your head to the left, holding the stretch until you feel tension in your neck muscles.


Forward Neck Bend Exercise:

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but it also targets the back of your neck. To start, tilt your head forward and bring your chin toward your chest. While keeping your head bent down, move it so that your left ear approaches your left shoulder. Like the previous exercise, you can use your fingers to intensify the stretch. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Afterward, return to a neutral position and repeat the exercise on the right side.

Leave Your Chair:

Just because you work in an office doesn’t mean you have to stay seated all the time. For example, when talking on the phone or chatting with a colleague, stand up and walk around. Opt for stairs instead of the elevator. During lunch, take a short walk. Studies show that a brief walk at midday can reduce stress for employees.


Choose Your Food Wisely:

Pay attention to the food you consume, ensuring it suits your lifestyle. Eat healthy foods, and try to include vegetables and fruits at lunchtime. Avoid fatty foods and sweets, and drink plenty of water.

Challenge Yourself:

Consider participating in running competitions or planning weekend fitness activities with friends, turning exercise into a fun, competitive challenge.

Chin Lowering Exercise:

For this neck exercise, look straight ahead and lower your chin toward your chest. You will feel a stretching sensation at the back of your neck. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, then slowly return to a neutral position. Repeat this exercise a few times.

Shoulder Warm-Up Exercise:

To perform this exercise, move your chair away from your desk. Lock your fingers together with your palms facing outward, and then pull your hands in front of your chest at shoulder height. Slowly straighten your elbows and hold for at least 15 seconds. Then, lock your fingers behind your back with your palms facing outward and straighten your elbows. Extend your arms until your hands touch the back of the chair. Hold for 15 seconds, then repeat the exercise.

Shoulder Rotation:

If you feel tense, shoulder rotations are an ideal exercise to relieve stress. When working under pressure, our shoulders naturally tend to rise toward our ears, which can cause tension and pain. Doing a few shoulder rotations can help release that built-up stress. To perform this exercise, simply rotate your shoulders upward and then lower them back down. Don’t forget to take a deep breath once you finish the rotation.

How Can I Relax My Shoulders While at My Desk?

Shoulder pain is common, especially when you’re under pressure or stress. When stressed, your shoulders may tighten up. To relieve the tension, lift your shoulders toward your ears and hold them for a few seconds while inhaling, then relax your shoulders as you exhale. Repeat this a few times. You can also press and release your shoulder muscles with the opposite hand to alleviate pain.

By incorporating simple neck and shoulder exercises throughout the day, you can prevent muscle fatigue and pain, and avoid long-term injuries.


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