Saed News: A group of archaeologists, while excavating in Egypt, discovered a treasure trove of historical artifacts, including a beautifully decorated coffin of a woman and jewelry.
According to the Society Service of Saed News, quoting ISNA, archaeologists working in Egypt made an astonishing discovery, including ancient buildings, coffins containing skeletons, jewelry, ceramic vessels, and copper mirrors, which provide more information about the ancient civilization that once flourished in this region.
Dr. Mostafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, announced the discovery of these historical artifacts in the "Mair" archaeological site. During the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom period (2300 to 1800 BCE), Mair served as a cemetery for high-ranking officials, governors, and priests of the ancient city of Qusiya. This cemetery contains tombs made entirely of stone.
Archaeologists discovered the remains of a structure in the northern part of the site, including several rooms, a storage area, and a hearth.
In the southern part of the site, numerous graves were uncovered, some of which contained remains of wooden coffins, bones, and burial items. Among these was the tomb of a woman, which contained a beautifully decorated coffin and a mask.
Additionally, archaeologists uncovered a variety of ceramic vessels, blue and black beads, and two copper mirrors, which enhance our understanding of ancient burial customs and personal belongings of the people from that time.