UK Police Detain Journalist Richard Medhurst at Heathrow for Criticizing Israeli Actions

Tuesday, August 20, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: British journalist Richard Medhurst has been detained last Thursday at Heathrow Airport under Section 12 of the UK's Terrorism Act, reportedly due to his journalistic work.

UK Police Detain Journalist Richard Medhurst at Heathrow for Criticizing Israeli Actions

According to SAEDNEWS, In a shocking incident reported by Al Mayadeen, journalist Richard Medhurst faced an unsettling experience upon his arrival at Heathrow Airport. Six police officers apprehended him, subjecting him to nearly 24 hours of detention and interrogation.

In a video shared on X, Medhurst recounted the distressing details of his experience. He revealed that one officer seized his phone, preventing him from notifying his family about his situation. This invasion of privacy only marked the beginning of a troubling sequence of events.

Medhurst was subjected to two separate searches in a mere ten minutes, during which his personal belongings, including crucial journalistic equipment, were thoroughly ransacked. These actions laid the foundation for what Medhurst described as a humiliating ordeal.

The prominent journalist was then placed in a solitary confinement cell that he deemed unfit for human habitation. Even in this precarious situation, he was under constant surveillance from cameras, which monitored him even while he used the restroom. Medhurst articulated his feelings about the experience, stating that it seemed deliberately fashioned to "intimidate, humiliate, and dehumanize him," despite his clear identity as a journalist.

To add to his distress, many of his basic requests, including simple access to water, were significantly delayed. "This was done on purpose to rattle me psychologically..... I am not a terrorist and I am a product of the diplomatic community and I was raised to be anti-war," he emphasized. Medhurst concluded his remarks with a strong statement: "I condemn terrorism."

This incident raises serious questions about the treatment of journalists and individuals at airports, as well as the implications for press freedom and human rights.