The Shocking Truth: Celebrities Who Embrace Smoking Despite Pushing Healthy Lifestyles -from good girl Jennifer Aniston to blockbuster actress Natalie Portman!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024  Read time2 min

SAEDNEWS: They push their green juice cleanses, sunrise yoga classes and wellness retreats, but behind their healthy public personas, some 'it' celebrities hide a habit — cigarette smoking.

The Shocking Truth: Celebrities Who Embrace Smoking Despite Pushing Healthy  Lifestyles -from good girl Jennifer Aniston to blockbuster actress Natalie Portman!

SAEDNEWS: America's best 'friend' Jennifer Aniston, who was a chain smoker early in her career, was caught lighting up again on her 53rd birthday. And worldwide-famous supermodel Bella Hadid appears to be picking up cigarettes again, after being snapped puffing on one while enjoying the sun in Cannes, France.

Ben Affleck

Amid rumors of the collapse of his marriage to Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck may be lighting up more than ever, as stress has been found to be a significant risk factor for cigarette smoking.

Ben Affleck

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman

Newly-single Natalie Portman is no stranger to playing the part of a smoker and plenty of her previous acting roles have seen her characters light up.

But that habit appears to also feature in her life off screen, with the actor seen enjoying an occasional cigarette.

Portman, now 42, previously joked on SNL she was big into weed and cocaine while she was at college - but she has never confirmed it as fact.

Dua Lipa: Tried to quit to protect her voice

Singers often go to great lengths to protect their voice — drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and even steering clear of air conditioning.

But that doesn't seem to be so for global pop star Dua Lipa, who has been a smoker.

Dua Lipa

Jennifer Aniston: Lights up on her birthday

Jennifer Aniston

Despite her good-girl image, Jennifer Aniston has a long history of smoking, which she has said she's since quit.

But in 2022, the now 55-year-old actress and wellness advocate was pictured lighting up amid her birthday celebrations.

Bella Hadid: Has smoked a pack-a-day since 14

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid is famed for her beauty and being one of the most recognizable faces in modeling.

But despite her glamour, reports suggest she may be partaking in the not-so-stylish habit of smoking cigarettes.

Sophie Turner: Swapped cigarettes for a vape

While Sophie Turner said she turned in tobacco cigarettes for vapes, she was pictured in December puffing on the traditional vice as she enjoyed a coffee in London.

Sophie Turner

The Game of Thrones star reportedly smoked at times, being snapped with cigarettes in 2018, but later took up vaping — with her e-cig appearing so often fans asked whether it was 'glued' to her hand.

Some smokers say they turn to cigarettes when stressed, claiming smoking helps them relax.