Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom Resigns Unexpectedly

Thursday, September 05, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Sweden's Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom has announced his resignation as foreign minister and retirement from politics, offering no explanation.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom Resigns Unexpectedly

According to SAEDNEWS, In a surprising move, Sweden's Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom has announced his resignation and decision to retire from politics, without providing any specific reasons for his departure.

Billstrom, who first entered Swedish parliament in 2002, was appointed foreign minister in 2022. On Wednesday, he shared the news of his resignation on X (formerly Twitter), stating he informed Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of his decision "with a mixture of sadness and pride."

“I will now completely leave politics,” Billstrom wrote. “This means that I am also leaving my seat in the Riksdag. What I will do next is still open,” he added, explaining that he is “only 50 years old” and has the potential to make his mark “in other contexts.”

During his time as foreign minister, one of Billstrom's significant achievements was Sweden's historic decision to abandon its 200-year policy of neutrality in order to join NATO. He noted that Sweden is now part of “the core of the countries that support Ukraine” and oppose “Russian expansionism.”

Reports in Swedish media suggest that Billstrom's resignation came as a surprise. Newspapers like Expressen and Aftonbladet have indicated that the resignation might be linked to a "rift" with Prime Minister Kristersson. They point to the appointment of a new foreign policy advisor by Kristersson and differing views on Sweden's stance regarding the Gaza conflict, with the prime minister supporting a more pro-Israel approach.

Billstrom’s spokesperson, Anna Erhardt, responded to these reports, stating, "Tobias Billstrom has had a very close and good collaboration with the prime minister."

Kristersson’s press secretary, Siri Steijer, also dismissed the speculation, saying that the reports are untrue and emphasized that "there is no conflict" behind Billstrom’s resignation.